Is there a good way to find hair and accessories?

DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,404

When I make a purchase of a model, they always look so great. Their artist normally does a great job at giving them hair and wardrobes that compliment them but they don't always list what outfit or hair they use in their advertisment. Is there a good way of searching for it or do you just have to keep digging till you find it?

For instance, this hair. I've never seen it before but it looks perfect for her. How can I locate it?

Any help would be appreciated as always.


  • I'm pretty sure that was determined to be Portia hair

  • DDCreateDDCreate Posts: 1,404

    Looks like it to me too. Thanks for finding it! But how did you?! Or are you just that good?! :)

  • It's a fairly unique design, but I did also remember people asking when the character was new. If it had been a more common design it might have been trickier to identify.

  • dracorndracorn Posts: 2,345

    Looks like you have discovered the best way to find hair or an outfit - just ask.  Someone will always know.

    If you just want to browse, type in "hair" in the search box - there's tons of 'em out there. 

    I have found that you can pretty much use any hair on any figure.  Most of them have fit morphs beyond auto-fit to micro adjust to your character.  The challenge comes when trying to load some older, V4/M4 hair onto G2 (I even have a couple of V3 hair).  Autofit may work, but the movement/style morphs won't. This is especially true with some of the V4 hair on Runtime DNA or Renderosity.  The trick is to deselect your character, then load the hair.  Then it requires patience to fit it, using the morphs and even some transformations, scale on X, Y or Z.  Once you are done, parent the hair or it won't follow when you pose your character.

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