Image offset : where is it declared ?
I have a shield model with coat of arms on it. I would like to replace the coat of arms with another I found. I see the base color is a jpeg with multiple models on it, and the one displayed is not the first. It might be selected somewhere but I can't find where this "offset" for the shield selection is set. If I put another image on it, I get the same offset so it doesn't ressembles to anything viable.
Could you tell me where the offset selection of base color image is declared ? Any information about ? I looked in layered image editor and image editor and every offset is set to 0 or 1, it should be something like 0.25 somewhere as the shield selected in on the second row... I don't understand how this works.
Thank you for your attention !
It's a UV based texture map then by using Offset in tiling, so now the quickest way is that you place the new shield on to the postion as shown in below screenshot, in your Image Editor.
Thank you for your answer, your solution works well ! And it's pretty fast.
But if I want to learn how to "choose" the shield, what can I do ?
When I type UV maps, I find that this is the way 2D image is planned for 3D render. But I can't find a tutorial or other telling me how to map my image on the 3D model in DAZ. Do I need another software ?
In current Surface tab, scroll down you'll find tiling settings, tweak Offset properties with Hozizontal / Vertical there. (ss1 ~ 2)
For this sort of tiling, it's simple, you just need an Image Editor.
It works like charmn, got it, thank you so much !
This way, I can have only one or two images maximum instead of loading N for each coat of arms. Very nice.
Great ! You'e welcome !