What purpose do tags serve?

What purpose do tags serve? I think the title asks it all.
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Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
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What purpose do tags serve? I think the title asks it all.
Edited to add question to body of post
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Gives you something to search on.
So... I ought to be able to tag products as Sci-Fi, then and find them via a search rather than adding whole new categories for thematics purposes?
are these easy things explained somewhere ?
or is this more a game where you have to find out everything yourself ?
yes i think its more an art construction game where you have to have the skills of a storekeeper or librarian
can i make my own tags ?
is grouping only new and none or can i create a group of my own ?
In the Doc center. (Yes it has been extensively updated, though is still being worked on.)
Groups, for example, are on this page.
And links to most of the important pages are in the Announcement thread and the FAQ. :)
About how to add tags, (it is more powerfull than group ),
there is two ways to add tags and use it for serching. one way is from smart content >infomation panel>tags pane.
you select each asset, then you can add keywrods as tags. I think, the problem is,, you may need to select assets , then need to add keywords one by one.
it seems good for testing, but actually not so useful, when you grouping assets by tags(keywords aka Userword (in content DB editor))
Because you can not add same tags for multiple assets,at once in this way.
then I usually use Content DB editor. it is really reasonable work flow to add tags for serching contents.
the problem is DAZ actually not offer clear guide about Content DB editor at all.
nowdays I feel,, when help about Content DB editor,, the best guy is official DAZ programmer.
they are only people who know well about them how it work. then I hesitate to tell other user.(because,, if it cause problem,I can not help you)
and I really hope to ask ,if user use Smart Content pane, and add tags, apply changes, these modification are saved
as User_data.dsx or , each Product.dsx (include Local_User123456.dsx)?
without knowing it, user may easy lost their customized tags. when import them. (If I can not get answer from Mr, and Mrs DAZ in here,
I may ask help center, again and again and again.
There is a DAZ Overview and Tutorial of the Content DB Editor. It goes into quite a bit of detail to create new or tweak existing metadata.
Lindesey,, yes it tell user "how to package and add product" by DB editor, (though it is for ds 4.0, then we have many things which changed about
current version)
but It is not How to use DB editor to manage items, as actuall meaning. (yes DAZ do not say,, it is manuall for DB editor, just offer way to package items
wiht meta-data)
and DAZ may not push it. and DAZ may hope user need not use Content DB editor to manage items.
if User use Content DB editor, and add product freely,, it often be overwritten by DAZ up-date.
You know,, and I know,, how to package product, and data as we like. but it not means we can manage them well. with daz up-garede things
without official guide.
are these easy things explained somewhere ?
the group thing is hard to understand for me and sounds complicated
can someone translate this to a normal user
why not just "create group" with a groupname and a link where a thumb can be saved ?
can i give tags to more than one item at once ?
say i have 200 items i want to give a tag to
one by one really ?
Mywork flow is first make new Category for items which you want to add same tags. eg now you plan to add tags"favorite" for some assets.
1 I make new empty category "make_tag" in Content Library>category .
2 I drug and drop assets which I decide to add the "favorite" tag, from smart content>assets , (with sort , or with category) to the Content Library "maketag" category .
3 open Content DB editor, from the "make_tag" category.
4 select multiple assets , from top section " with shift or ctrl key. selected assets are shown in bottom section.
5 go to userword pane,, and select items , with shift or ctrl key, in bottom section .
6 r-click selected area. > add User words to selected files. then input userword in the window.
7 check your userword in bottom section,, then accept.
8 check your tagged item, by smart content >assets with "all" category (no need to select the make_tag category)
9 if you need not category any more, just delete the "make_tag " category. in content library.
but the keywords still keep reference with assets which you added.
Then if Product include the assets wich you assigned tag (userwords),
you can filter product by tags in smart content >product view too. (but you can not add tag for each product)
thx kitakore
will try that
but hope for an option from mr and mrs daz to just address a tag to multiple items
Yes, if there is tester as user,, who must say samething.. I and you easy think samething. it is same about current smart content filter way.
To be honestly said ( I keep honest everytime)
the tag is not so useful practilac meaning. (then I seldom set tags, without testing something) at current.
it mostly useful when tag are discribed in product. then vendor may need to learn the way clear. that means tag is for vendor product, mostly.
who tag each assets, one by one? and how you remember, which tag group you have made or not?
tag is only visible, when you select the tagged item. If I am daz worker, I must said,, tag system need way to see all tags which user applied.
we may need to check each assets, and check which tag is already assigned. (maybe vendor do not remember,, how
they tag their product asset,, too) at current . the tag sysytem do not offer these basic usability for user.
Kitakore you are a genius finding out such things
and it works
i think this will be my new way of finding things in smart content
and it has the advantage of updating always
thank you so much
this should be sticky somewhere
or in the help center or the like
I'm late to the party and forever trying to figure out how to find things in my database. I didn't like the idea of creating a lot of nesting folders if I can just simply add a searchable tag. I'm reading this over and trying to understand how to make this work, but I can't even figure out how to drag and drop anything from the smart content tab into a category on the content library tab. Can someone please explain this to me because apparently I'm too stupid to understand?
Why doesn't Daz just add the ability to right click a product under smart content and add user-searchable tags? How flippin' hard can that honestly be?
Tags belong to files, not products - a product shows the tags that belong to all of its files. You can add them in the tags tab in the hideable area at the bottom of Smart Content, with the target file selected in the main section of the pane.
Thank you, Richard. I get that it's set up that way. It's also a massive undertaking to go through every object and file when all I want is to be able to tag smart content items for easy searches later in a way that makes sense to me. I was hoping someone would answer my question about how to do what kitakoredaz suggested because I have no idea how to make that work.
To address your statement, however, I have no interest in tagging each and every file when the ability to tag the smart content product label would be faster and much easier to organize. You talk about what the program is designed to do, but I was speaking of an easily added function that would make users' lives more productive and easier. Very different perspectives I'm afraid. Tell me it would be hard to add a right-click menu option that adds user tags by simple edit, parsed by commas, and then able to be searched as any keyword in the smart content pane.
You don't need tot ag each file - the product shows all tags applied to files in the product, so just tag one of them and you are done. This can be done in the Content Library as well as in Smart Content. See http://docs.daz3d.com/doku.php/public/software/dazstudio/4/referenceguide/interface/panes/content_library/information_panel/tags_page/start for more information.
Thanks for sharing that link. I am reading it over and will see what I can do with it.