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No, because that would be exactly how the subscription is supposed to function. It would be like complaining to Netflix because you can't watch their shows after cancelling your subscription.
But yes, I've always hoped for an all-access subscription plan here because there are a lot of images I'd like to make if I had access to items that I would never use more than the once.
That could be an interesting subscription.
Ah, that's a shame. Daz+ only I remain, then, unless some other new way we can play the game arrises from the Premier dimension.
I see, so I still can't use the project, even if I created it.
So I have to be careful when I use plug-in functions..
It's a difficult problem.
As far as I test, the product assets (essential morphs... ) you ever downloaded with the subscription will be always there and usable even Premier expires. I don't think they'll be encryped, de-activated or deleted after Premier expires... I'll be surprised if they will be ~~
And all new plugins can work offline without no futher log-in after activation but I do believe the Premier subscription data is stored locally. DS will check it when being launched...
The converted figures will be either saved as sub-set or DSF files... etc. then they'll have nothing to do with the converter plugin anymore, so they can always work without subscritpion.
All ~~ it depends on the engine you choose in Render Settings... Viewport (Filament, 3DL ), OpenGL or Iray. However, I don't think one can mix them together in a full render queue.
As for exporting to Blender, it's still the Daz to Blender bridge, working for Genesis figures and static Env / Props... nothing has been changed so far (no updated version of DTB, still 2023 ver1.1)
Edit: I just got the update of DTB, brand new version + UI (2024 ver2.8.63), they work in both Premier and non-Premier for Blender 4.2 ~~
I said as far as I know the conversions are not dependent - you don't need the plug-in to be active to use them.
Hi all. For the monthly bundles you can get with DAZ Premier, I take it they'll refresh every calendar month (ie you have until 31st October to pick up one from the current October selection).
Does anyone know this for certain?
When a company launches a new product or service, it should make consumers happy, not worried.
I am even worried that I am not interested in the 30% off Gift Card.(It may also be that compared to last month, there is really no desire to shop.)
According to some responses, Premier only limits access to some tools .
I think until more people have positive feedback about Premier ,Just keep the status quo
We have had some pretty broad hints that there will be something new later this week, so I would say keep the coupon for at least that long before deciding.
I contacted support yesterday but haven't heard anything back yet. Hopefully, I'll hear back soon so I can upgrade. I don't know why some of us got the 'Contact Support to Upgrade' while others got a button to click on.
Agreed. My 3D hobby is just that, a hobby. I probably spend a lot more than many people here. I am a "frequent buyer" which gave me some really good prices the past month or so. Prices in the realm of where they should be IMO. Glad I took advantage of the sale because I will not be spending much from here on in.
I discovered DAZ in 2008 and have been with them ever since. I sincerely thank DAZ for the free program. I mean that in all honesty. If it were not for them making the software free, I would never have had the opportunity to dabble in this amazing world of 3D. It has been fun.
But for me this is just a hobby, and with my wife not working due to a disability now, I cannot justify these prices. That's why I never purchase anything unless it is at least 40% off or more. I never pay full price. Now that DAZ+ has gone up I will not be able to justify continueing on with it - which means I won't be seeing prices as good - which means I will not be able to purchase as often. But, in actuality this is probably good since I really shouldn't even spend what I do.
Thank you DAZ3D.
Thanks for the replies.
I am not interested in CONVERTER at the moment.
I'm not even worried about it, as I think I could probably use the converted data as long as it is saved.
I am concerned about the plug-ins I use to create scenes etc.
This is because I would be in trouble if scenes created with the premium version are not backwards compatible.
Therefore, I would like a feature comparison list.
I am also concerned about post-use compatibility, not only now, but also for plug-ins that will be added to the premium version in the future.
Well said. This too is where I am on this whole thing.
I just came back in from watching some gaming news, and I would really like to encourage DAZ to ponder where the words 'players should get comfortable not owning their games' have just recently gotten the company who uttered them. Hint: It's not a good place.
Edit: Sorry, I didn't read the thread topic correctly, but it seems other people are also posting opinions about Premier here, not just questions, so I'll leave it here for now.
In times of trouble... what you often need's a smile
ainm.sloinneadh - that's brilliant!
That was the first thing I thought of... :/
I'm fine not owning Photoshop. If it were still $700 and $299 for every major upgrade, I probably would be using Affinity Photo. Now I get it for $9 a month and with new features like the almost magical Remove tool. Clip Studio paint is something like $3 a month and you'd have thought they were bought out by OpenAI by the way the community reacted to the news. I don't get it.
I can imagine this question may have been asked and answered before. I hope you don't mind me asking it again in that case. My current Daz+ sub ends in November next year. What happens if I accept now the two months of Premier that I've been offered and then cancel my Premier sub before the end of the second month? Will my previous Daz+ sub still work in that case or will I lose it all together and remain a basic customer so long as I don't buy a new subscription?
The only thing jumping out at me regarding Premier is the free content. I'm wondering what the actual content will be - are the character bundles only going to be Genesis 9, or will they include Genesis 8? Will the legacy content be more recent items from Genesis 3 era or later, or will it be the V3/V4 era content?
The tools sound interesting, but I would need more details about what they can really do. Do they justify the $20 subscription, or are there better options?
No, you would be trading in your existing + membership for a Premier membership. You could ask Sales support for help if you didn't use all your free months, but I would not count on their being able to help you.
Me too. I agree. I have boxes of photoshop and upgrades 3.0, CS6 etc. and never use them. But if I want to use ld version they let you download the old versions in your account too, to access old plug-ins and features that fail in new versions. Came in handy when working with clients with older versions. Typically most things work in newer versions. Adobe took over my PC remotely, after a windows upgrade ruined everything, a few years ago and fixed everything. Now I have updates disabled in the registry for windows, but how cool is that for customer service.
From other comments including those by DAZ_Steve, it appears that once you convert to Premeir you will lode your current DAZ+ membership and if you cancel Premier you will have to either purchase a new DAZ+ membership or revert to basic.
That's great, and I've only had good interactions with them in the past as well. The whole recent Adobe fiasco was just because a bunch of Youtubers whipped everyone into a panic by saying Adobe was going to literally steal art off their hard drives and train AI with it. People are just way too panicky and quick to believe the worst about everything.
This may have already been asked but in my 'personal' offer it says the I can get 15 months of Premier or I can subscribe when my current Daz+ is renewed at the end of the month for the 'current monthly rate of $18.98'. So that implies to me that the rates may go up in the next 15 months. Does anyone else read it this way?
Thanks, Richard. Then I think I would be committing a big mistake if I accepted the offer . I'll remain Daz+ for now.
Thanks to you as well. I posted my reply to Richard before seeing yours.
Have you used this converter yet? If so, does it work well? I can't for the life of me get riversoft's to work right and I'd love to make the characters I have that are G8 for this film I'm doing into G9 as I have much better expression packs for G9. If it works nicely, that might persuade me to swap my seven months or whatever it is for two months of premiere to swap them all over.
Something was mentioned earlier in the thread about a paid version of Daz Studio. Is Daz Studio with the Premier plug-ins the paid version or is there an actual differrent Daz Studio that is a purchased version?
+ 1 on this.. I will be waiting for y'all to work out the bugzes .. in the mean time, I guess I'll stay put where I am at.. I get it that y'all have to eat too in this economy.. I really want to get back to my art.. this threw me a curve ball on Monday..I think if you're an old fart like me.. you just don't need anymore of those (hair is frizzing...) Other than that, I just want a [{BUTTON}] to click on to upgrade if I so choose please. I wanted to stay with 4.22 version of studio etc till things are smoothed out, but I accidentally updated it in DIM grr
The paid for version of DS, whether the old Advanced/Pro or the new Premier, has always been the base with extra features/plug-ins unlocked (by a serial number in the past or an account validation now). There have not been two different applications.
It means they are not leaving hostages to fortune - if we get a first contact with aliens who give us tons of gold as a gift then Daz needs to be free to adjust prics to reflect the consequent galloping inflation.