Lmah Wolf DAZ crash
Posts: 31
Hello, I have a scene with 3 Wolf 2.0 by AM and some plants,
but suddenly DAZ crashes every time I open the scene.
Also a presaved step of the scene with les objects and the 3 wolfs causes the crash.
It shows:
DAZStudio.exe caused ACCESS_VIOLATION in module "D:\MY DAZ 3D\Applications\64-bit\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4\plugins\lamhPlayerPlugin.64.dll" at 0033:00000000185DD2B9, DzLine3::operator=()+439353 byte(s)
Just loading the wolf into an empty scene works fine.
Is there a way to save my scene?
(I already tried reinstalling the Look at my Hair FREE Player(16151_LAMHPlayerforDAZStudio45Win64bit_1.6.0.1_ds.exe))
Do you have the full LAMH programme and the Player installed? You will have to delete the player as you can't have them both installed at the same time. There is also a work around for scenes that crash with LAMH but I can't remember what it was as I haven't had to do it in a while :)
I'm not sure. What is the full programme?
I just, after the crash started, (re)installed the free player as it might have been a solution.
When I worked on the scene everything was fine. I can also not recall having problems with furry things.
The wolf in a new scene loads also fine.
It took me with surpriste that there are some extra steps and complications with lamh.
To save the scene, would uninstalling the wolf be a solution?
As then the lamh object wouldn't exist an loaded as missing.
(Ok, the full programm should be this: https://www.daz3d.com/look-at-my-hair
as it isn't marked with purchased and not in my product libary(DAZ website) I asume its not installed, unless it was included in a former DAZ installation.)
(The thing I reinstalled was this: https://www.daz3d.com/look-at-my-hair-free-player)
I had similar problems using the LAMH2Iray Catalyzer plugin with the Kangaroos one time. This is the advice I was given by AM. It worked for me to recover my scene. Maybe you can try something similar with the regular LAMH:
Good, going in the menue under help -> about installed Plugins -> disabeling Look at my hair player has worked to open my scene again.
I'll now probably just replace the Lamh Wolf with another Wolf or make other fur for it.
Lamh seems to problematic to use and dosen't implement so well into my workflow as it needs some extra steps here and there.
(Just removing the Wolf from my contenlibary didn't work.)
I'm glad you were able to save your scene!
Or not. I must say I belived I saved the scene, added the 3 new Wolfs, deleted the others, and pressed render preview, DAZ crashed, the same with real render.
Then I tried here and there searching what causes the crash.
I even went as far as splitting the Objects into seperate scenes 1G8F, Plants, (alternative) Wolfs, Camera and drag dropped them into an empty new scene, also reduced every resolution to base. Only reducing the Wolfs to 1 or removing the G8F made it possible to render.
Other scenes work fine as example 3 DAZ Housecats, Landscape and a G8F.
Try increasing the amount of virtual memory on your hard disc.
In the first case no, here it was clearly caused by the lamh.
Yes it seems like this, but in general the scene is not that big, I shouldn't have problems as my hardware is less than a year old and I redered already bigger scenes with furry things. I'll see if this happens again at some point.