[SOLVED] Make toes of the socks follow toe spread (and vice versa)
Dolce Saito
Posts: 195
Some of the socks I have, despite looking exactly how I want, doesn't follow toe spread morph. That causes them to poke through shoes, etc... How can I make them follow it?
And vice versa; Especially on a retro-fitted clothing (like g9 shoes to g8), they follow the toe spread, but I don't want them to follow that particular morph.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Post edited by Dolce Saito on
For the socks, you can had a Push Modifier to them, then control it with a Push Modifier Weight Node, setting the overall value of the Push Modifier to -1 and it should be easy to fix the pokethroughs.
To do it:
If you have any recent clothes by Mada, you should find a tutorial for the painting part (it's how I learned about this technic), but it's simple: with the Node Weight Map Brush, just paint the part of the socks that are poking through. With a -1 push modifier, the problem should disappear fast.
If the shoes cover most of the sock around the pokethroughs, you can go to town with the painting, Splatoon style. If shoes are more open, it's still possible but will require a bit more finess especially around the edge of the shoes, where you don't want to push the sock to far into the figure.
It's also possible to do the opposite, adding the Push Modifier to the shoes and keeping it's original 1 value, but hidding the socks have the advantage of not adding deformation to the shoes.
Some shoes also have morphs allowing us to make them larger but not all shoes have them and the shoes will be further away from the character, which may not be the end result you want.
For the second problem, it's likely fixable by removing any influence the invidual toes bones can have on the shoes, moving that influence to other part of the foot but it's not something I'm confortable with.
I suppose you can start by watching a video by Mada on the subject of Weighmapping and experiment while waiting for someone with more knowledge to
Toes Spread isn't a morph, I think, it is a pose control driving the toe bones. It may be that th socks don't have the separate toe bones (depending on which figure this is) and so can't match the adjustment to th base figure.
The reason is just because there's no weight on the corresponding toe bones of the socks...e.g. if you select the joint node of Big Toe1, switch to Node Weight Brush tool, you'll find no weight map on it (ss1). If you add a weight map and some weight, you'll find it work (ss2), but it's cumbersome ...
Then it's simple to fix the issue: just re-rig the socks to the figure with Transfer Utility. Then it'll work. (ss 3 ~ 4)
The reason is the same. To fix it, just do it reversely: remove the weight maps on toe bones (ss 5 ~ 6)
Noted. Yes of course, it is indeed a pose control.
The figure is G8 or G8.1. One of the example product would be TFS Socks. (Time for school socks)
@Elor and @crosswind
I'll try these somewhere today and report back. By the look of it, crosswind's solution would bring me more piece (especially with animations later on).
Thanks for the answers.
If you're rerigging using the transfer utility use Genesis 9 as the donor instead of one of the templates - that will keep the toe bones. The bodysuit and footwear will remove the toe bones because shoes look weird if they move with individual toe bones :)
I noticed the tfs socks don't have toe bones by default. So, when I run transfer utility (without expanding more options), then toe bones are added to the socks. However, the "Toes Spread" pose still doesn't move the sock. What would I be missing? (The character is G8F and socks are also for G8F)
Right ~ case by case. For this TFS socks, increase Distance Tolerance to 0.5 when re-rigging ~
I did these in order.
SS 1, SS2 and then the result is SS 3.
Why would this be happening?
Ah... that was probably my bad ! Unfit socks before re-rigging... then it should work even with default settings in TU dialog.
Oh! Worked :)
I have been growing gray hair here trying to follow exact footsteps you'd been taking, only end up not being able to see any result.
Thanks for the answers.
Great ~ !