Hiding figures while scene building
Is there a quick and easy way to make a node and all of its children visible/invisible? For example, I have a figure, dressed and posed. I want to turn him/her invisible to work on the background stuff. If I click the eye next to G2F, she disappears but her clothes remain visible. Can I make an entire node hierarchy invisible in just one click?
Make sure that wardrobe is parented to the figure (or have all items and figure selected). Than go to parameters ta and click with right mouse button on the tab (on the letters Parameters) to get a menu and activate Consolidate Properties and Display Followers. Than go to Display menu in the parameters tab and turn off Visible switch (you should have number in front of the Visible like (4): Visible).
Another way is to select the figure with parented wardrobe or all items you wish to hide and go to Create - New group and have a Parent Selected Item(s) to New Group option active in the create new group window. Than in the scene tab click on the eye in front of the group to make it invisible. To remove stuff from the group just unparent them from it.