Blurry Environment why?

I'm having a problem that when I set the envrionment, to use a picture as a background.. it keeps getting messed up, totally blury.. the pictures are always way bigger then needed for my render..

I'll attach one to show what I mean.. 

I have tried doing it as a backdrop but there isn't enough control to move it around and get them lined up correctly.. 

thanks for any help it getting this "cleared up" .. heh..



1280 x 720 - 199K


  • FilthyAppetiteFilthyAppetite Posts: 149
    edited January 2016

    Err, link on forum not working, I try again.

    Post edited by Richard Haseltine on
  • Edited to show image - click the Image button in the toolbar above your post, set the width to 800 if it is over that (as yours was.

    How are you inserting the picture into the scene? Which render engine are you using? If you are using iray and inserting it as a texture on  a plane then it is probably large enough to be strongly compressed - you can check, and adjust, the thresholds in the Advanced tab of Render Setings or you can get more control by resizing the image yourself before importing it.

  • FilthyAppetiteFilthyAppetite Posts: 149
    edited January 2016

    It's using Iray as setting it as the Enviroment background, 

    this image isn't an HDRI.. but I do get the same results with HDRi images about 50% of the time also, 

    sometimes HDRi will load correctly, sometimes not..

    That being said, I have the problem with with actual .HDR image files, and the associated other formats, jpg tiff, etc.. sometimes I will start with the HDR file, and it doesnt do anything, so I will load one of the supporting files for them, and then it either works fine or is blurry... 

    size tho, these are all wallpaper or larger images being rendered in an overal lower resolution. 

    So to do a static background I should just put the image on a plane? 

    I will give that a try.. (last time I tried that, I couldnt get the depth I wanted without trying to tile the image larger and it became fuzzy :/

    Post edited by FilthyAppetite on
  • jaxprogjaxprog Posts: 312

    Sticking an image on a plane creates that lack of connection between your characters and the enviornment. In other words it looks like model is layered over the over the plane and her feet are not touching the ground and in order make it look as if she is standing on the ground you either have to truncate the lower portion of the model's body to aviod feet all together or Photoshop the crap out the image to make it all blend.

    What you are after is... How can I acquire that sorround look and feel in the IRAY engine using the environment tab so that when my character is in the scene its as if picture loaded into the enviornment is an obj model loaded into my scene. In other words there is visual harmony between characer model and the image which an image plane just cannot deliver.

    Unforunatley I experience the same issues you do and have yet to find a solution. I can see others have figured it out because they produce artwork that implements it.

    Then there is confusion in terminology and semantics. For example take the overly used pharse as a common fix all solution. "Well you got to load and HDRI into the environment tab"

    You mean you have to load High Dynamic Ranged Image into the environment tab. Those images that show you this wonderful range of color and intensity that LDR image does not show. In the photography world that is what HRDI means. The Daz Studio environment tab does not care if your image is High Dynamic Range with a rich flavor of color.

    What Daz Studio does care about that the image (or images) swen together as one or reformated into a surround like format so that when the image is loaded it does not appear flat.

    So what I have provided here may be a complete misunderstanding or I might be right on target. You and I may never know until someone can break it down in simple layman's step by step of what is required of the image and/or Daz Studio without writing one to two sentence solutions in the most vaguest of terms.

  • I have just about every kind of HDR image, from .HDR in both planar and spherical, to all types of other images in planar and spherical.. 

    What I've noticed in Daz, aswell as my current problem, is that DAZ will not properly load a spherical map.. it always seems to produce bad seams joining the image other... often times, when it does this, it wont even let me rotate the image to get a different view and just hide the seam.. what I mean is, in the view port is where it has decided to put the seam, and rotating the image does rotate the image around the seam.. 

    very odd...

  • SpottedKittySpottedKitty Posts: 7,232

    Not all HDRIs are created equal; just because an image is in the proper HDRI format doesn't mean it has enough DR — dynamic range — built into it. A lot also depends on exactly how you're using it; a low-quality image might be perfectly adequate as just a basic Environment Light, and be completely unsuitable as a visible Environment Dome. Proper HDRIs also tend to be much larger (in pixel size) than the low quality stuff, 8000 pixels wide or more is not unusual. How big is the image you're using?

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    Not all HDRIs are created equal; just because an image is in the proper HDRI format doesn't mean it has enough DR — dynamic range — built into it. A lot also depends on exactly how you're using it; a low-quality image might be perfectly adequate as just a basic Environment Light, and be completely unsuitable as a visible Environment Dome. Proper HDRIs also tend to be much larger (in pixel size) than the low quality stuff, 8000 pixels wide or more is not unusual. How big is the image you're using?

    Yeah...15,000 x 7,500 is actually pretty common when using the HDRi for both lighting and as a backdrop.

  • 8k-15k in size.. for HDR planar and sphere's... maybe i'm just unlucky :/

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