3Delight render eyes washed out
I'm new at this, so maybe I'm missing something basic. Most of the time when I do a 3Delight render, the character's eyes are washed out, almost white. I feel like of tried a lot of settings (and eyes) but haven't found anything that seems to help. Can anyone shed light on this?
It does not happen with Iray renders.
Post an example and the surface settings for the eyes from the surface tab (cornea, eye moisture/reflection (depending on generation) and sclera are the important ones).
Thanks. I've attached screen shots showing how this character looks in the viewport and then in a 3delight render. This, by the way, is a V4 character.
There are really a lot of settings under cornea, sclera and others. Can you be more specific about which settings to provide?
It has been a while since I've looked at what surfaces there are on V4...so after pulling her out of the dungeon...
The one you want is 7_Eye_Surface.
You will need to manually adjust the settings for that...probably turn the Opacity down to 0% and/or adjust the specular settings.
Thanks again for the response. Opacity was already set to 0. I tried a variety of specular settings at random (since I don't really understand all this yet) but didn't find anything that makes a difference. Well, when I set the opacity to 100, the eyes turn into something really strange. Could it have anything to do with lighting? I turned off the headlamp on the camera and set a single distant light, just for testing, but that didn't change anything either.
Setting it to 100, shows the 'highlights' map...
Try setting the Refraction Color to black...or Refraction Strength to 0%...on both the Eye Surface and the Cornea.
I've been playing around with V4 and found that has a dramatic influence on it. Getting rid of the faked 'highlights' may help some too.
This is a bug in Daz Studio. To remedy this, go to the following similar path on your computer: "C:\Users\Your Name\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\Studio4\temp\"
Look for a brickyard folder and delete it. Rerun your render in 3Delight and it will resolve your problem.
Warning! What I am about to say may be disagreed with but I am going to say it anyway and attempt to convey the idea of what is taking place. I am not a techical guru so all I can do is give an interpretation or an idea.
When you render something that folder brickyard is created. It keeps a temproary reference of shaders and textures being used in your renders in this temp folder. Overtime in my experience (not someone else's experience, point of view or interpretation of their Daz Studio use) Daz Stuido gets confused as to what shaders should be used in the current render because there is too much going on in there. By deleting that folder you are refreshing it so to speak so that brickyard is created brand new for your current image only.
I got those same white eyes in previous projects and the brickyard delete worked everytime (in my user experience).
I have actually seen something similar with one specific product (separate from the "material randomly renders white until you restart DS" issue). Unfortunately I cannot remember which one it was, or exactly which surface parameter I changed to fix it. I think to track it down I simply did a side-by-side screenshot comparison of all the surface parameter settings between that product and one that worked until I saw which parameter was different and adjusted it.
I've found this when using AofA's Advanced Ambient and Advanced Distance lights and get this on some (not all) models. If the model has different eye reflection settings I just use one that works best. Wasnt aware that deleting the temp folder could also fix this so will also give this a go.