ZzGERTzZ - Close Combat: Fighter - How do I replace player character with G3M character?

Does anyone know how to replace the player character in Close Combat: Fighter with a Genesis 3 Male character?
What I did so far was:
- Used David Vodhanel's David Vodhanel's DazToUnreal plug-in (Version to import a G3M character into Unreal Engine 5.4.
- Retarget CCF's player character's Animation Blueprint and its animations to work with my G3M's skeleton.
- Edited the player character blueprint by switching its default skeletion mesh to my G3M character, and switched the animation blueprint from the default to the one retargeted to the G3M character.
- In the Level Blueprint, I switched the default player animations to the ones that were retargeted to my G3M character.
The only thing I got working correctly was replacing the default player character with my character in the level's opening cutscene. However, after the cutscene, the G3M player character goes to a T-Pose and rotates 90 degrees to slide around the floor when moved.
I don't know what I am missing or did wrong. The retargeted animations looked good in the blueprints preview windows.
I found the solution to my problem: The player character blueprint's "WeaponStorage" component had player animations that I replaced with the copies retargeted to my G3M character.