
in New Users
I see some art work that has been done by an OCTANE RENDER , What is this ?, is it a plug in render engine ?, or somthing already within daz ?.
It is a separate render engine: https://home.otoy.com/render/octane-render/
There is a plugin to integrate it with DS.
It is a different renderer for Daz Studio and unlike Iray, is not free.
You can try the Demo of the rendered for DS here - https://home.otoy.com/render/octane-render/demo/
Scroll down and look for "Fully Integrated Plugins" -> "Daz Studio"
Thanks for the replys all... and tyhe links, think i will check them out, but is it any better rendering than Iray? I already have Reality, but quite frank;y it dosn't seem to like rendering larger files,
I've just check the website, at those prices I think I will stick with Iray and Reality.
Yeah, it is a very nice renderer but I too do not intend to spend such high amount on recreational rendering : )
Yeah, me too, not for while any way, my pc isn't good enough to pay out that sort of money just yet, And not till i learn more.... Thank you.
Octane will be coming to Unity 3D Free I hear.