How do to physics?
From what I read daz doesn't really support physic simulations. Because of this I tried to export my figure to poser and create there the animation with physic effects applied in hopes to reimport it into daz but other than the animation alone (no physics) non of the reimports into daz worked correctly.
Are there any working methods to create animations with physic simulation for daz figures in another program and import that into daz?
It really depends what you mean by 'physics'. Soft-body physics simply isn't supported by Daz Studio outside of the dynamic clothing add-on, which means any figures you add to a scene are going to be static. Any object movement which is imported should be fine, so the 'bouncing ball' scenario would work, but there wouldn't be any ball deformation. There was a rumour of someone working on a bullet physics plug-in for Daz Studio, but that was over a year ago and nothing has been heard on it since.
Maybe they're waiting for Daz Studio 5.0 to add this in, maybe the task proved too great to pull off. Maybe it's just been racked with unforeseen delays. Who knows. Either way, it may be another year or more before we see anything like this included for Daz Studio.
The closest I have come to physics is with dynamic clothes within DAZ. But it's just clothes. I have come across dynamic hair in the DAZ store but that is for Carara. The dynamic cloth control plugin has physics baked into it that you can alter to affect your dynamic clothes ony (aka. NOT conforming clothes, which is the vast majority of clothes content in the store)
Ok I see. Nvidia does a lot of physics and as daz has already their iray it would be nice if they get the physics from them for 5.0
Its mainly for Soft-body physics. The figure being static at import could still work if it produces the same look. I could do the animation in poser and just import static positions. If they include the Soft-body effects and produce still the same look in the scene. What I got so far is exporting it to a obj file and import it in daz which creates one solid figure without textures. Is there a way to get the correct textures and look for this or will it be a dead end?
If you exported the item from Studio as an obj what were your export options?
And if the textures were applied by way of a preset in Studio, the end result obj should still have the same material zones and names, so you could simply just apply the material preset to it. Otherwise, you need to manually apply them in the Surface tab.
Ok, I got it working with this. It will be some extra work for every frame but for shorter animations it should be fine. Thank you for the help.