Rigging problem: Figure feet end up 5cm below ground. [Solved]
I don't know the third thing about rigging. So this baffles me.
I put many morphs on a G8F figure.
Then I combined the morphs by exporting OBJ and importing OBJ - and using Morph Loader Pro.
Then I re-rigged the combined morph with "Adjust Rigging to Shape" and IRC freeze.
Then I separated the head and body into 2 morphs using Shape Splitter, which also re-rigged and ERC'd them.
Then I noticed arm posing errors in the body one. (Have not even tried the head one yet.) And the feet sunk down 5cm.
So I re-rigged the body one again with Shape Rigger Pro.
This fixed the arm pose errors. BUT, the whole figure remains sunk down about 5cm into the ground plane.
The original multi-morphed figure was not sunk into the ground like that. What's goin' on? Is it fixable?
First, I don't have Shape Splitter... but HeadSplit DFormer in G8 Starter Essentials + Shape Rigger Plus never fails me, neat and fast.
Second, as for sunking issue, before exporting to OBJ, was there any Transforms values (esp. Translate, Scale...) on the figure root node or pelvis / thighs / shins ... nodes ?
Yes. Both Metatarsals had a "2.00" Twist that I fialed to zero out.
So... after zeroing them and redoing the workflow, it's good ?
I don't know. I did not try it (yet).
I do plan on zeroing the toe twists and repeating the workflow, because, in my case, I did not intend to twist the toes with my morph. So it's an error to correct.
But suppose I do so and it fixes the problem.
The consequences of the problem being fixed by zeroing out the slightly twisted toes would be ominous. Just imagine what that would mean. It would mean that people cannot morph feet even the slightest bit (without causing intractable rigging problems). This fact would contradict the overwhelming evidence that people do in fact morph feet, such as with various humanoid characters like trolls and orcs and so on. This contradiction would need addressing. Someone would need to explain why so many people get away with radically morphing feet when they make troll character, but I can't get away with a tiny twist of my character's toes.
But who knows? Computer code sometimes yields bizarre anomalies that in special contexts, favor big troll feet but forbid a slight toe twisting. In that case, the explanation for the contradiction would just be "bizarre anomaly - bad luck - find an ad hoc work-a-round - have a nice day".
I'll let you know what happens when I remove the toe twists.
Ah. So I had another go at it and found the cause of the problem. The feet sunk down because I failed to check a box in the Shape Splitter control window, the checkbox called "Inverted". It tells Shape Splitter to whether to adjust the body to fit the elevation of the head, or to adjust the head to fit the elevation of the body. Anyway, I had the wrong setting here.