Why are product images missing and how do I fix them?
Bryson Jack
Posts: 57
I installed DAZ Studio 4.9 Pro and I am noticing that certain products are missing their product images. I have tried uninstalling and re-installing the products through DAZ Install Manager and then re-opening DAZ Studio, but I get the same result. Oddly enough, when I uninstall the product through DAZ Install Manager and then open up DAZ Studio, the product that I unistalled doesn't show as Available...it is as if I never purchased it.
Products that use ExP technology (the 4th generation figures and their morphs and the SubDragon) can't be installed with Daz Connect. Do you know if the icon was showing up in 4.8 before you upgraded to 4.9? If you double-click on the product does it show the installed files?
I am not sure if the product images were showing before 4.9 or not. V4 Elite: Reby Sky is an example of a product where all the files are there and they work but just no product image....so I am not sure what is going on.
I have a similar problem, although I haven't uninstalled anything. I get the same icon, Everythng is there and works, just no image. Also, no all products, just some. No pattern that I can detect.
Since the 4.9 upgrade about 30% of my files no longer have an image. I would like to see this fixed.
Aiko 4 Base is a DIM or manually installed product and Studio displays the product icon that is installed into Runtime/Support. Normally the installer places three files for each product: a dsx. dsa and .png file. The Aiko 4 Base installer only contains/installed a DAZ_3D_5980_Aiko_4_Base.dsx file. To display a product icon, create a .png or .jpg icon with the dimensions of 110 x 143 pixels, name it DAZ_3D_5980_Aiko_4_Base.jpg and place it into Runtime/Support, or take your chances and file a problem report.
I just fixed mine!
i have the same problem since updating to 4.9
deleted by Poster because I kind of went off topic and it was totally irrelevant.
Using this thread and looking through the dsx and dsa files another issue may be typos. For example the Hiro 4 Base..
It had a dsa and dsx file and the png already existed and was in the proper Runtime > Support folder. So what gives right? Open up the dsx file and notice that the pointer to the png file had an extra underscore in the name. Oddly enough fixing that underscore, it still would not make the relationship between the files. So finally, I made a copy of the png file and named the copy the typo name the file was looking for. it worked, but I died a little inside since being a web developer I am a stickler for proper file structure, consistent naming conventions, and accurate syntax. Now every time I look at my products I get an image of Hiro Base, but all I can think of are the errors in the files.
Good to know.. I had the same problem
Fixed that one, still have 1 left
"Michael 4 Base Puppeteer StudioCF"
I see an icon, but it's not in the dsx file
I have really big problem with the Daz connect. It's awfull..All old products they appear with broken black and white icons. I like so much Install Manager and the way that works.
We are old users and we have products since a long time ago and we have spend so much. (: Why Daz not care for us?
I have a request for this so much time ..i have make them tired with this frustating problem and they trying to give me a solution but since now nothing.
And after all who trust cloud??? It have so many issues with security and after all i dont trust to be logged in at a cloud server even if it is from Daz. How to know if someone stole my pass and loog in?
They are like they were before -- you can still use Install Manasger and you don't have to use Connect at all.
There is NO CLOUD...
With Connect ALL your content resides ON YOUR HARD DRIVE!!!
You do not need to be connected to the Internet to access Connect content, once it has been installed.
The only 'Cloud' is the initial download...and even that is little different than using the Install Manager to do so (different set of servers, as far as I can tell..but still a distributed distribution network a.k.a.---cloud).
And that's the same for manual downloads, too...
The only
ok....Anyway...thanks for reply. I just hate cloud and security problems that can happen with that...The problem is that some support files missing like dsa and jpg... i just fixed one product making a jpg and putting it at runtime/ support folder...Imediatelly the broken icon fixed and also at smart content too... But i dont understand why other products they are complete and others no....
It's a mish-mash of metadata updates...it probably will eventually iron itself out, but more likely than not, it won't be for quite a while yet.
it needs a lot of work ....they are so many products like that.... i fixed 4 of mine and i bored....because does not need only to put a jpg ..it need also to manually go to content db editor and to add the support files... and what will be happen if Daz update all these files and already we fix them manually? anyway i dont know...
and finally im not so old member as i saw :)
i agree also that expensive is not best...but always.
I thought it was fixed. Turns out I must have at some point removed those entires from "Products" since they appeared broken. I used DIM after I tracked down the various Gen4s that were now just gone and uninstalled them and then re-installed them. It was convinced they were all properly installed. But I did the uninstall and reinstall cycle on them again anyway. Then did a full longing to DAZ to prove I was real and actually owned this stuff. The icons reappeared and still blank or broken or whatever you call them. But the contents of those folders still seem to load OK though they have a black square on the product icon as well and in (use the term lightly) "Smart Content" they are just grey icons with no options at all like update or install and even if you chance the only option there is to "update metadata" it does not seem to do anything (at least it did not appear to corrupt data bases yet again.) So now that I know this is just a "feature" of the great and powerful DAZ 4.9 I will just live with it. However each time I did this I also got the invalid SQL message. I have learned you need to immediately turn around and exit DAZ and not do anything else and then try once again to open DAZ 4.9 and hope there will be no such error message which there usually is not. This also seems to be a new "feature". Adapt and Overcome...
Try to make an exception to firewall for the postgreSQL...I dont know what is the issue...i'm still trying to find what is wrong by my self and also i bothering so much the help center. They told me that they fixing it...My problem was more than one issue and help center is amazing at responds.
But i think that the problem is also at firewall. i running Mac which is very easy to make an ecxeption to firewall..Not ask for windows..i giving up with them (;
What i did : i found the runtime folder and i put a jpg of the product.then i opened content db editor and i add the support files. then i closed DS and ! miracle!appeared! and to smart content too..but before that i uninstalled DS COMPLETELY AND IM..I left only the downloads folder with my products.
Also some people and as help center suggest try to change the port number of postgresql..do this first is easy... but i waiting to what they will say to me from help center. it fixed for me but the problem will be when they will update these products ..all my work will be for nothing..also if you make the custom jpg and content db editor thing if for any reason you will uninstall the product it will happen the same thing...Also you must not connect with DS connect..
All these are my private moves and not suggested from official DS. Only the port number change and the firewall are official.
I had this problem with your screenshot when the postgre thing was not working.
Uninstall it and install it again. with closed DS Studio.Maybe the port will also change number.
Check also this link. Daz hepl center have an article for this
it too am having the same problem with daz studio not showing installed files as thumbnails
All files or only some? Which pane or panes are you looking in? Was the content isntalled manually, via the Install Manager, or via Connect in Daz Studio?
I have a similar problem that only occurs when I install to Daz Studio 4.9 when installing older Generation 1, 2 or 3 Daz3D products via Install Manager. Using Manual install or Daz Connect or when installing Generation 4 and up does not create this issue.
As per earlier poster's suggestions, I am able to fix "exclamation point" thumbnail by adding a standard sized thumbnail png file to the Runtime/Support/ folder of the same name as the content file but with the png extension.
I just had to completely re-install DAZ Studio with DAZ Connect and still have the icon issues, I used DIM on some of my products and still the same thing. I have DAZ Studio on another drive rather than the default C: drive which I want to keep free of graphic programs and files. Was there ever a fix to this problem? One that is easy to solve?
Do the files open?
Yes, the files open, but my workflow is slow and tedious since I can't tell what I'm working with until I apply the file. I am frustrated... I had to re-install because of a hard drive issue and lost all my work and I'm trying to rebuild all the work I did. Is there any solution? By the way, I have many product icons that also don't show and many products that have updates that are impossible to get; like the UltraScenery Update...
Updats that don't update may indicate a product issue, failing to get the requested files - try running one, then check the end of Help>Troubleshooting>View Log file.