Need a simple bar, scalable with soft edges - Primitive cube not really working
I'm looking for a simple scalable bar, based on one inch square.
I tried using the primitive cube with geometry converted subdivisions to get soft edges. But the result is this strange conical shape at both ends of that bar.
Is there anything to prevent that or can someone point to where I can find such a simple soft edged bar?
You cannot make it in DS which is not a modeling tool. If you know Blender or Hexagon, you can easily make round edges / corners by adding Bevels. Then import OBJ into DS as a Prop.
Just tried that in Blender and even there the bevels on both ends are bigger than on the sides. How did you manage to get all edges equal?
After Scaling, Ctrl + A > Scale, then make Bevel in Edit Mode ~
It's not working.
Open Blender
Scale the cube > Z = 5.000
Switch to Edit Mode
Activate Bevel tool > Use mouse to bevel some amount > add segments
This is what I get:
If you are doing scaling in object mode you need to apply scaling first.
Right after opening a new scene, object mode is active by default.
The first thing I do is scale Z.
What else do I need to do before?
Switch to edit mode before scaling? That doesn't change the outcome either.
What do you mean by apply scaling?
Ok, got it now. I have to use the transform tool to scale in edit mode. I used the pane on the right side.
You may be able to do this in DS, using a cube with fewer divisions (my first attempt used a few and didn't really work, my second with 1 division did work), select the corner edges (all of them with a one division cube) with the Geometry Editor in Edge mode, then use right-click>Subdivision Weight>Set Subdivision Weight... to set a value (I found about 3 worked) to round the edges without affecting most of the facets.
There're tons of Blender modeling tutorial on youtube... you can quickly get it.
Richard's way should work as I just recalled he ever taught us that way... only the way in Blender doesn't need SubD.