Unlicensed or Free Images for use SOLVED
I have this idea for a series and would like to create my own pictures within a scene using a Plane. (I think that's how it's done. Taking an image and putting it up on a wall, frame it maybe ect) but it will be recurring in all scenes that happen in this particular place. Does anyone know of any sites that allows people to use thier pictures for free? Of course I did a google search for image ideas and when i see one that would be perfect, of course it's copywritten and I wouldn't want to use it without permission. Especially if money becomes involved in the future. Does anyone have an advice on this? Thanks so much!
Post edited by DDCreate on
I'm sure there are some, but why not grab a camera or phone camera and snap a few yourself? It would be a more personal touch to your rendered images. Just an idea...
Well I suppose but I guess I didn't explain correctly. It would be more of a club logo or symbol of a group. "The Purple Headed Dragons" (not what I had in mind exactly its just closer to what I am talking about.) I mean like artwork type things. Not an actual picture of an object.
The words 'free logo' give some good results. I'm pleasantly surprised to see many of the results are in a vector format and are ready for conversion to 3D if you wanted.
Is that the sort of thing you were thinking of?
I was thinking of finding an image online and applying it to a plane to use as a picture on a wall in my picture. I think I read that's how you do it. I'm not sure what vector format is. But it sounds like I'm getting warmer.
Personally, I would compose and render a picture.
Try Pixabay, but beware of using photos of people or objects that may be trademarked. Or there are relatively cheap options if you will use a lot of images, eg Dollar Photo Club
Google advanced image search has a "usage rights" option, which you could set to only show results for things you could use commercially. Of course who knows where this info comes from or if it's really accurate, there are never any guarantees, but you can at least reduce the potential for trouble a lot that way.
Thanks for the tips. I appreciate your help! I didn't know about that site Redz or the Google Option Sriesch. Both kicked out some great results of what I was looking for! Thanks!
Look for photos that are public domain as well.
Besides Pixabay, I have also used:
Note that some sites require attribution as part of the permission to use their photos.