Oldie But Goodie WINNERS

So, my judges are sick and on antibiotics. We had 6 people enter the challenge and because I love you all for participating, I'm going to award all 6 of you with a $5 gift certificate. It means so much to me that you all entered.
Bunyip, I have your email address, so no need to give it to me. Everyone else, if you want your winnings, please PM me with your email addresses.
Thank you everyone!
Thanks NGartplay !
Hope your judges get well real soon !
Thanks NGartplay, that's so generous of you. Praying for a speedy recovery for you Judges.
Thank you NGartplay for all your work. I hope your judges will be back to good health soon.
Fencepost52, I did not get your message. Click on my name under my avatar (it's blue) and that page will have a 'message' option. You can also click on the gear icon, upper right on this page, on the blue banner and get to the inbox that way, too.
So far I've had 2 people respond.
Got both of you fellows now.
Sorry to hear about your judges. Hope they recover soon.
Darn Hansmar, you never posted a new pic with an old object in it. Grrrr. Sorry hon :(
NGartplay, no problem. Too busy doing other things.