Is there a way of creating a favourites folder or shortcut for some content

There may be a simple answer here but if there is I've never found it. When I create a scene I am often using some content much more frequently than others for example hand poses of certain vendors. Also some hair figures require you to turn off visiblity so you can move/pose your character more easily. I find it a pain to have to navigate back through my content folders to the particulat hair product to turn visibilty on only to find I need to amend something else like an eye or arm movement so I have to reapeat the process often several times before I'm happy to render. It would be helpful if there was a way of creating a shortcut or an extra favourites folder for a few selected items. 


  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 6,673
    edited July 25

    If you're a Smart Content user, there's default Favorites category starging from DS 4.22. You can always add any user-facing files from Product(s) to Favorites and quickly locate the favorited items via Category list.

    If you only use Content Library, you have other options, e.g. :

    - In Content Library > RMB-click menu > Create Custom Action with the selected item... into Favorites menu.

    Post edited by crosswind on
  • Thank you for your swift reply crosswind. I will certainly try out your suggestions. 

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 100,099

    It is also possible to create groups, like New, which can be used for filtering and which can add a graphic to the lower-right corner - that way you can still see the content in its original categories. Each item can have only oen group, so an update that put files into the New group (which is optional) would remove them from any favourites group. My Google-fu is not up to finding the instructions in the wiki, however, and it has been a while since I did it.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 100,099

    You can also, of course, right-click on an item (file or container) in the content pane and use Create Custom Action to add it to the Favourites or Scripts menu - it may depend on how many, and how favourite, items you have.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 100,099

    I had forgotten that DS (beta) now has a right-click option for getting the docuimentation in (currently) some panes. Having been remindd of that it would have been possible to find the information on groups (these are in the Results view, I am told)

  • A couple other suggestions...

    The first is to use link files(DJL) and setup a specific directory for faster access.

    The first step would be to create a new folder, map it in CDM(Content Directory Manager) and use the Move to Top option to make it the first directory listed in the Content Library tab, which will also make it the default directory for link files.

    To create a link file, select an asset, or group of assets, in Content Library, then right click, select Create Link for Asset..., and select the directory to put it into.

    There's also a script that can make links for entire directories. Be warned it can take some time to create them depending on asset library size.


    Another option is the Visual menus product( ), which allows you to create a custom popout that you can set various functions to.

    It's a bit tedious and time consuming to setup, but once it's done it's quite handy.


  • I install my content into different folders that are sorted by the type of content. But in something like the iray folder which has hundreds of products I have taken a couple of the skies of iradience I use the most and just copied the duf and the ping and then pasted them at the top of the folder so they're always there. 
    But you could always just create one folder like 00 favorites added that folder as a directory and just fill it with the pngs and dufs for your most used stuff. 
    The previews/dufs don't connect to the stuff in a folder with themselves but just tell daz where to look ... so essentially they are shortcuts so you're making a shortcut to a short cut. 
    a couple of the items are actually scene subset of a cube with to load into the scene and copy the surface off. 

    top level.jpg
    1478 x 864 - 295K
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