Glowing Hair?

Is there a way (eg Editor) to make hair glow? For a scene I'm trying to make I want the character (Genesis 2 Male-M3DTeen) to have glowing hair (Duke Hair). So far the closest I've been able to do is use several pointlights around the head/hair but a problem I have with that if I really want it to glow (and not just look like bright hair) I have to raise the intensity, but if I raise the intensity too high then there's a super bright spot where the light is closest to the hair and it looks like the hair is glowing because there is a light source hitting the hair and making it appear to glow (which it is) instead of it looking like the light is coming from the hair. Does anyone who if there is anything under Editor (or something else) that I can do to make the hair glow or at least not look so much like it is being light by another source?

810 x 1080 - 298K


  • scorpioscorpio Posts: 8,484

    Are you rendring in Iray or 3delight?

    If 3Delight try using the Ambient in the surface settings (of the hair), try a light colour and increase the setting, if Iray change the Emissive setting and set the Luminance high you might need to fiddle with settings until you get the results you are looking for.

  • srieschsriesch Posts: 4,241

    In 3DL if you want to make the surface actually emit light, do the following.  Note this may require some trial-and-error and a bit of time for a few tests until you get the hang of it.  Try it quick on something simple at a lower quality setting to see what light level you need, then when you see what it's doing get the better quality on the actual hair.


        To make a surface emit light, select the surface, then select "!UberAreaLight Base.dsa".  Then, in the Surfaces pane:
        To see the light source itself, set "Ambient Active" to On, and set the Ambient color, and apply an image to the Ambient Color if you want the light to have surface features.
        To change the color of the light emitted, set Color .  
        Change the Intensity slider up to make it brighter; note some lights may need to be dramatically brighter to be seen, work with powers of 10 to start with.  Opacity can also be used at the same time.
        To fix any graininess, especially in shadows: increase the samples parameter (at the cost of greatly increased render time).  The value varies greatly depending on the light.  I have seen 32 work for some lights, 1024 was needed for one.
        Verify/set "Falloff Active" parameter to On.


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