Trouble with IK rigging
Fairly new to Daz rigging so I'm sure I'm not doing this right. I imported a creature mesh from an obj file. Then following some rigging videos I converted prop to figure and manually added and arranged bones. Then I made selection sets for the bones and filled each to 100% weight. Selected all the geometry and applied "smooth selected" from "weight editing" on some right click menu. Then the mesh behaved as expected when I use the sliders to move bones but I couldn't grab or drag IK style by clicking on the mesh like works for a Daz character. Thinking that the selection sets didn't bind bones to areas of the mesh I made corresponding face groups (selected bone on Scene tab, "geometry selection by selection set", geometry assignment -> "create face group from selected"). Now if Active Pose is on and a bone is selected in the Scene tab I can click on the mesh for that part only and move it and it will drag connected bones with it. That does not work well.
Problem: I still can't do IK posing like a Daz character. I can mouse over a Daz character and a popup notes the part of the character (Genesis: Right Hand etc.) That does not happen with the creature. I can "IK drag" parts of a Daz character in Active Pose or Universal tool mode without selecting a bone in the Scene tab but my creature does not do that.
Q: What am I doing wrong? How do I set it up so I can "IK pose" it like a Daz figure?
Can you click to select bones in general? You mention creating groups but not assigning them as the seelction group for the bone in Tool Settings with the Joint Editor tool active.
Thany you. Assigning selection groups as you advised helped. There are still problems but I think they are just details. I was able to pose my creature.