Daz icon is gone from my desktop

windows changed all my stuff yesterday. I didn't ask for it. It just did it. My Daz icon is gone and I don't know how get it back. The content is still in my pc but I don't know how to restore it to the way it was. If I open a scene the Daz program comes up, but there's nothing in my smart content or my render library. I'm very new to this and I was really enjoying playing with it. Thank you all very much for any help you can give me 


  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006

    And they wonder why people don't want to upgrade everything ... okay ... I haven't but hopefully this option is still available, Find the .exe for D/S [somewhere in a program folder], right-click on it and "Send to Desktop". That would put a shortcut to the program on the Desktop.

    Smart Content and some other features of Daz Studio rely on the CMS running. There should be someplace to turn that back on so hopefully somebody will come by soon with the information as to where it's hid now.

  • jed244jed244 Posts: 18

    Thank you so much Patience, I'm at work right now but as soon as I get home I'll do that. You're right about upgrading. I hate it when Microsoft does that. They take away stuff I like and give me things I don't want. It takes a month to relearn everything I already knew. Shouting at the monitor doesn't help either. I've tried that many times. Thank you again 

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006

    You're welcome, hope it works.

    um, no, shouting at inanimate objects doesn't do much ... unless of course you have the mike on and somebody is listening in ;-)


  • PetercatPetercat Posts: 2,321

    Yes, that happened to me recently, which is why my art computer never, ever goes online. Made my desktop look like a fresh Windows install, even to the huge windows icon wallpaper. Apparently, turning updates "off" doesn't help, as I had mine off and Windows updated anyway (Win7).

    Patience55 gave good advice.

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006

    Yeah they have a backdoor update thing that happens now and then ... to be fair though, they are not the only company that updates programs quietly. I remember one program with which there was a peculiar problem and I brought it to that company's attention. They assured me of course that no, that couldn't be happening and like it "was". After a few days had passed I noticed on the computer that the peculiar problem had been "corrected" - and it wasn't by me! I don't know what the fix was but it would have been nice for them to have told me because I had the same problem on another computer which never did get fixed. It didn't go online ;-)


  • jed244jed244 Posts: 18

    Thank you for putting that last comment in Patience. I got on my pc last night and the Daz icon was back. And everything works! I was questioning my sanity a bit til I read your comment. Maybe the long talk I had with my monitor really did help. Then again maybe not . These forums are really helpful to me. Someday maybe I can help someone with something. I'm sure I'll have many future questions as well. Thanks!

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