Some interesting iRay issue

Hello, everyone!
I did a kind of transparent tube with stickers on it. For that i created two groups of surfaces: first - tube itself, second - surface for stickers on the tube. Tube has refraction weight =1, and stickers surface has it's own transparancy map. When i render in close distance to camera everything looks fine, but when i increase the distance, stickers from the backside (in relation to the camera) disappear. I geuss it is cause of small distance between my two surface groups. Looks like the more distance from camera - the harder it is for iray to pay atention on small distances and it catches it like two intersecting surfaces, perhaps. Kind of optimisation, i think. I managed to fix this issue using a geohell for the tube and leaving only stickers surface on it, while stickers surface on tube i make absolutely transparent (cutout opacity=0). My question is: is it the best way (easiest) to fix this kind of issue, or did i miss something?

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