Let's Share Old Pics

While going through my old Bryce works looking for images as examples for the challenge, I started thinking that I'd like us to revisit old images that we made. It's fun to go through your gallery and brings back memories.
Let's do one picture per post and see how long we can make this thread. I'll start us off. I think this is Vicky 2 or 3 with a shell helmet. I fell in love with the helmet. Haven't used it since.

2401 x 1800 - 898K
Post edited by NGartplay on
what an entry
WOW a Nautilus as Headwear
Fettbemme, such a cool helmet. It was a free product from 5D-Art (for V2) and had other helmets in the package.
Nice thread you started, Thanks NGartplay
What a nice idea. And a very nice render, NGartplay. Here is a render from 2010, when I started out with Bryce. It is actually from a self-made glass and tooth brush.
Lol, Hansmar :) I see it now. I was doing very, very primitive work in 2010....congrats.
I used to do house interiors. Here's an old Italian room.
NGartplay - Old Pics, thanks for the "invitation". We had a thread about 3 years ago to show old and new-made renders but I cannot find the thread anymore.
Very nicely done render with the Vicky and helmet. The Italian room looks very nice and realistic.
Hansmar - Cool idea with the glass and tooth brush, looks somehow abstract and charming.
Here is my contribution: Gossiping, made in 2007 using the Sector 15 and Chomper robots from Daz 3D.
Below is an anaglyph of the scene.
yeah, beam me up Scotty
Horo, so much fun. I love the robots. Looks like they really are just hanging out and chatting.
Fettbemme - thank you.
NGartplay - thank you. Yes, they are indeed chatting, I was there when I made the photo
NGartplay - both your renders are beautiful, I especially like the Italian Room, it's awesome. I so glad you decided to show your oldies but goldies here.
Hansmar - nice abstract of the glass and tooth brush
Horo - Gossiping - a cute render the anaglyph has depth.
I'll see what I can find of my oldies, as I lost a lot of earlier work.
Thank you mermaid.
NGartplay, Horo, Mermaid: thanks.
NGartplay, fantastic Italian indoor scene. Not primitive at all!
Horo, Great and funny scene.
Waiting for one of yours, mermaid :)
Thank you Hansmar.
Here’s an oldie I’m linking from my Pinterest account, let’s hope it works. Pinterest compresses images so the quality may not be so good.
A fractal generated in Incendia and rendered in Bryce 3D using the Alienroom Hdri
And another
This was for a Challenge
Curious - The city model is by Herminio Nieves (ShareCG) and the giraffe from either archive3d.net or tf3dm.com, lit by one of Horo’s Hdri’s from www.daz3d.com/bryce-7-1-pro-sunless-hdri-skies, I think I have a 2D Face with the additional effects.
mermaid - I'm not sure I've seen that fractal before, anyway, it looks really great and the way it is lit and coloured makes it a very nice scene. The city and giraffe I've never seen before (or don't remember), it is special and a very nice scene.
mermaid, so you used the fractal in the terrain lab? It is excellent. The uncompressed version must be even prettier.
The giraffe makes me laugh. A city in the sky that only the giraffe can see. The sky is pretty.
Another room. I was obsessed with rooms at one time.
The image in the frame is a Vue pic that I did.
NGartplay - nice place to sit down and read a book, very nicely done render.
Thank you Horo. I didn't know about lighting or making textures pop, back then, but I still enjoyed decorating my rooms. PS - I still have a couple more :)
Horo -thanks, maybe you did not see the fractal, as you know I only post some of my images here, all are uploaded to Pinterest. The challenge was Surreal Worlds I think towards the end or 2015 or 2016
NGartplay - thanks. I love your indoor scenes. I wish I could do something like that, I tried a few but not with much success. Looking forward to seeing more of your work.
Thank you mermaid. I really need to make a new image. I will, I will...eventually.
My first attempt at an interior setting in Bryce 3D.. Entered this render for the My Tribute Challenge. (2014 or 2015)
A reminder - all my posts in this thread will be linked from Pinterest.. I lost almost all my original Bryce Files for Bryce 5.5 and early 7.1 Pro.
mermaid, I remember your crash. So sorry. I put everything on CDs but my computers no longer have DVD players.
Great tribute to Bryce. Excellent scene setup for the challenge.
mermaid - this room I remember and actually have it in my local local image collection website under Guests.
Made March 2007. The backdrop is a self made HDRI from my living room filtered with a convolving diagonal Sobel filter to get this weird dark rooom. The visitors are Nybras from Daz 3D with a modified Haematit material by Richter. The ground plane is a flat sphere with a modified Azathod Plasma material by David Brinnen
Horo, you take simple items and make the most complex scenes.
Thanks NGartplay.
Thanks Horo and thanks for having it on your website. Your render is amazing, done before I started Brycing.
Another room. One of my very first 'serious' Bryce works. It was for the Zoom project. Anyone remember that? Images zoomed into a spot on the picture and morphed and entered a new image. It just kept looping. It was meant to zoom into the refrigerator.
I made the refrigerator with C4D. I also took lessons for C4D online. This was before Hexagon.
Can't remember but I believe that I posted the refrigerator on ShareCG for free along with some other items. Yes, I think I have a standing light as well. I should go look.