How to use the Poser Format Exporter - **UPDATED - 2016-11-28**

MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,956

How to use the Poser Format Exporter: - The purpose of this tutorial is to help you better understand the Poser Format Exporter.

The Poser Format Exporter is availible in the DAZ3D store - For DAZ Studio 2, 3 & 4

What does it do?
The Poser Format Exporter is designed for one thing, saving poses and morphs you created in DAZ Studio to Poser Pose(.pz2), Face(.fc2) and Hand(.hd2) file format.

NOTE: The Poser Format Exporter does NOT save Deformer information.


To find the PFE within DAZ Studio goto "Studio > Scripts > Utilities"


What are the different options in the PFE and what are they for:

Path & File Name should be self explanitory.

Nodes: Root or Selected. Root is when the primary level of the figure is selected (indicated by the bounding box around the figure) where as Selected is simply the body parts that are selected.

Propagation: None or Recursive. Choosing None will mean that only the selected body part pose is saved. Whereas Recursive will save the pose on the selected bone and all child bones as well.

Timeline: Current Frame or Animated Range. When Current Frame is selected, only the pose shown on the current frame is saved. With Animated Range all the pose data from each frame will be saved. You can also indicate at whcih frame to start at and which frame to end at. If your saving a single pose, just choose Current Frame

Transformations, Others & Attributes: Pose information corrisponding to these catagories will not be saved unless the box is checked.

Transformations: Rotation, Translation & Scale. Within these three selcetions they each have X-axis, Y axis & Z axis. X refers to left and right movement, Y refers to up and down movement and Z refers to forward and backward movement. Depending on the purpose of the pose your saving you should determine when these options are used since each one is not always required or necessarily desired. From my own expericance, posing a figure in relation to another figure (ie: Couples) or a certain prop I check off the Rotation and Translation boxes. If its just a standing pose thats intended for general use, then I only check off Rotation. Scale is only used if you intend on increasing or decreasing the size of the figure.

If no boxes are checked DS will not save the file


Special Note: When saving your poses with the DS2 version, MAKE SURE you include the file extention or it WILL NOT save at all!!!


Others: Morphs (targetGeom) & Numeric (valueParm). It controls whether or not to include morph property values in the exported file; that is, properties for the actual individual morphs (targetGeom) and not just the linked property that drives them (valueParm). In the case of a Full Body Morph (FBM), this is the difference between the single property on the root that controls everything (valueParm) and the individual morphs on each body part (targetGeom) that are the actual morphs. This is the most likely scenario, as typically the properties that are exposed at the bone level are actual morphs. ***Special Thanks to Rbtwhiz for that explination***

Attributes: Visibility should only be checked if you are hiding a particular body part and want that applied by the saved pose. Bending is only checked if you want to record the Bend option on the Parameters Tab. By default bend on the Parameters Tab is ON and the Bending option is unchecked.


Saving a Custom Face (.fc2) Morph:
After you have finished your character, goto the Parameters Tab and select the head (eyes do not need to be selected if you have not adjusted their position or scale). Now select the PFE and for Nodes choose Selected and for Propagation choose None. Under Transforms choose the necessary options. Next goto Attributes and check off Numeric (valueParm). Please make sure you have chosen .fc2 as your file type before you click on Accept.

Saving a Hand (.hd2) pose:
Hand poses can be saved using two methods. The easiest way to save a hand pose is to first select the hand that you posed and then goto the PFE and for Nodes choose Selected and for Propagation choose Recursive. Under Transforms choose the necessary options. Now just make sure you choose .hd2 as your file type and when you goto apply the hand pose you will be presented with the "Left hand or Right hand" option before the hand pose is applied. The second method of saving hand poses is covered in the Partial Pose section below.

Saving full body or Partial poses:
For saving a full body pose you have two options. The easiest way is to select the figure on the Scene Tab and then goto the PFE. From there, make sure you set Nodes to Root and Propagation to Recursive. Under Transforms choose the necessary options. Make sure .pz2 is your file type before accepting. See the Partial Pose below for the other method.

Partial Poses:
Weather you are saving a full body pose, a hand pose or just part of the body, this last method for saving poses is the most versatile. From the Scene Tab, select ALL the body parts that you want recorded in the pose. If you are using this method for a full body pose, I find it best to select the head, then hold the "shift key" (windows) and then select the figure base. This will select all body parts between the two. If its for a hand pose, choose the hand and any finger bones you require. Next goto the PFE and for Nodes choose Selected and for Propagation choose Recursive, under Transforms choose the necessary options. If you are saving a leg or arm pose, choose the relevant part and make sure you set Propagation to Recursive. The setting for Nodes will not have an effect in that case.

Custom characters (morphs):
This is a cross between the face morph and partial pose options. Start by selecting the required body parts, then goto the PFE and once again for Nodes choose Selected and Propagation set to None. Under Transforms choose the necessary options and then under Others select Numeric (valueParm). Make sure you choose .pz2 as your file type.

AniMate: - Thanks to lululee @ Renderosity
After you have all of your animation setup make sure you 'bake to anim keyframes to DS keyframes. ( that is in the right corner ani timeline menu)
Click on the scripts menu and launch the Poser Format Exporter
Select "timeline animated range" attributes visbility and bending.
That writes an animated pose file for Poser.

To save a pose file for props, simply select the prop on the Parameters Tab, then launch the PFE. You will notice that the PFE window has three areas greyed out since they are redundant when dealing with props. So just select the options that apply under Transforms and choose accept.

Open the PZ2 for the prop after its made and near the top look for this line:

prop "the prop the pose is for_000000:1" (without the quotations)

The zeros represent the numbers you will see there. Remove the underscore and numbers but not the " :1 " then resave. Now the pose should work correctly in Poser 8 and up.


Post edited by Mattymanx on


  • SzarkSzark Posts: 10,634
    edited December 1969

    Thank you Mattymanx for putting this together. I found it very useful.

  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,956
    edited December 1969

    You're Welcome! :)

  • wowiewowie Posts: 2,029
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for the guide

    I do have a question though.

    If I want to export animation that includes joint rotations and morphs (expressions and the like), what will be the most efficient settings?

    The way I'm doing it right now is select the figure or the hip bone, enable propagation from the selected bone, choose rotations and translation and then make sure both settings in morphs are checked. However, exporting with these settings takes a very long time. After fiddiling with the settings, it's probably due to the script trying to save each morph settings on all bones. So, I generally avoid doing this and choose to save the animation as an animated DS Pose preset.

    Sure, you could probably separate the expression morphs into a .fc2 file instead, but that only works with head morphs.

  • fleetppfleetpp Posts: 199
    edited December 1969

    Thank you. I had been hoping to find something like this.

  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,956
    edited September 2012

    wowie said:
    Thanks for the guide

    I do have a question though.

    If I want to export animation that includes joint rotations and morphs (expressions and the like), what will be the most efficient settings?

    The way I'm doing it right now is select the figure or the hip bone, enable propagation from the selected bone, choose rotations and translation and then make sure both settings in morphs are checked. However, exporting with these settings takes a very long time. After fiddiling with the settings, it's probably due to the script trying to save each morph settings on all bones. So, I generally avoid doing this and choose to save the animation as an animated DS Pose preset.

    Sure, you could probably separate the expression morphs into a .fc2 file instead, but that only works with head morphs.

    Sorry for the delay in answering this.

    I would simply suggest doing the full body method listed above but not the partial method. Just make sure you select the figure itself and start from there and dont start from the hip. Since the figure can be moved and rotated from the top level it is best to record any data there as well just incase there is any.

    Thank you. I had been hoping to find something like this.

    Your Welcome! :D

    Post edited by Mattymanx on
  • wowiewowie Posts: 2,029
    edited December 1969


    I already tried that before. Although it works, it takes an insane amount of time saving the morph data. I believe the script tries to record every morph settings available both on the figure and all body parts. Is there really no way to select the Figure morphs only, but also include joint (body parts) rotation outside of doing it that way?

  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,956
    edited December 1969

    Not that I am aware of.

  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,956
    edited December 1969

    The PFE guide was updated to reflect new information about saving out a prop pose.

    Please see that section at the bottom for the updated info.

    Thank you!

  • Blaine91555Blaine91555 Posts: 148
    edited December 1969

    It appears to longer be free in the store. I have it but just noticed that.

  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,956
    edited December 1969

    It appears to longer be free in the store. I have it but just noticed that.

    It is for PC memebers.

  • Blaine91555Blaine91555 Posts: 148
    edited December 1969

    OK, sorry. I'm not in that anymore as I don't buy often these days.

  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,956
    edited December 1969

    OK, sorry. I'm not in that anymore as I don't buy often these days.

    No worries. I was not aware of the change until you posted. I have updated the OP to reflect this.

    Thank you.

  • EnchantedPixieEnchantedPixie Posts: 478
    edited December 1969

    When using Poser Format Exporter to create my INJ file...does the output INJ file fall under distributable ? I am desperatley get a character into a distributable format and have had nothing but trouble with IPB and V4, Thanks in advance !

  • EnchantedPixieEnchantedPixie Posts: 478
    edited December 1969

    It seems this is ayes as it was answered in another thread. If thats incorrect please let me know but otherwise ...DUH i answered my own question thanks Fixmypcmike

  • Does this exporter still work in the current version of Daz?

  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,956

    Does this exporter still work in the current version of Daz?

    I dont know, I have not tried it BUT I dont see why not.   DS4 is still backward compatible with older DS scripts.

  • This page ( says that the PFE is free for PC members, but when you put it in the cart, it still charges. How do I get this fixed? Or is it just another one that has aged off?


    (See relevant part below)

    How to use the Poser Format Exporter: - The purpose of this tutorial is to help you better understand the Poser Format Exporter.

    The Poser Format Exporter is availible in the DAZ3D store for free if you are a PC member - For DAZ Studio 2, 3 & 4

    What does it do?
    The Poser Format Exporter is designed for one thing, saving poses and morphs you created in DAZ Studio to Poser Pose(.pz2), Face(.fc2) and Hand(.hd2) file format.

  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,956

    This page ( says that the PFE is free for PC members, but when you put it in the cart, it still charges. How do I get this fixed? Or is it just another one that has aged off?


    (See relevant part below)

    How to use the Poser Format Exporter: - The purpose of this tutorial is to help you better understand the Poser Format Exporter.

    The Poser Format Exporter is availible in the DAZ3D store for free if you are a PC member - For DAZ Studio 2, 3 & 4

    What does it do?
    The Poser Format Exporter is designed for one thing, saving poses and morphs you created in DAZ Studio to Poser Pose(.pz2), Face(.fc2) and Hand(.hd2) file format.

    You will need to contact support to see if its suppose to still be free for PC memebers or not.  I will update the thread in the mean time.

  • Thank you for your answer!


  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,956

    You're welcome.

  • (sighs in frustration) I have followed your instructions 10, a total of 10, times. I get nothing in Poser. Help?

    Also I have to ask: is this only to export poses? Curiously trying to figure out how to do an entire scene, tweak in poser, and export back. But until then I thought this would gimp me along. If only it would work.

  • Yes, it is only for "poses" (it will handle pz2, hd2, and fc3 files - poses, hands, and faces). DS does have a built-in CR2 exporter, that handles single figures, and there is I think still a script for exporting props as pp2 files.

    Where are you putting the exported files?

  • Charles WestCharles West Posts: 123

    Is there anything available that saves the .pz2 files that include materials and bump strengths?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,848

    CR2 export will include very basic materials, including bump I would expect, but there isn't anything I am aware of that tries to go to a full Poser shader tree.

  • Is there any updates that will let this work with DS 4.10?

    When I try to use it, it only save a part of the pose, not the whole thing. I followed all the directions for a full pose. It's on an animal if that makes a difference.


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,848

    Poser Format Exporter isn't figure-specific, it just goes through the bones thata re there, so using an animal shouldn't matter. is you pose using only the bone transforms, not any Pose Controls on the figure node?


    I used the Lip Sync plugin in Daz 4.10 to make Genesis talk and I exported as an animated pz2 to Poser following the tutorial and it made a huge difference in the parameters. I gave a print on both screens for analysis. Can someone give me a hand to fix this please? Thank you!

    Genesis Daz e Genesis Poser.jpg
    2860 x 848 - 502K
  • asdf123asdf123 Posts: 167

    Poser Format Exporter isn't figure-specific, it just goes through the bones thata re there, so using an animal shouldn't matter. is you pose using only the bone transforms, not any Pose Controls on the figure node?

    Does this mean it will work converting poses from all gen (G3, G8, V7, V8, V4 etc) to Poser P4 compatible poses?
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,848
    newoski said:

    Poser Format Exporter isn't figure-specific, it just goes through the bones thata re there, so using an animal shouldn't matter. is you pose using only the bone transforms, not any Pose Controls on the figure node?


    Does this mean it will work converting poses from all gen (G3, G8, V7, V8, V4 etc) to Poser P4 compatible poses?

    As far as I know, though it's possible that the clone proeprties between the Bend/twist bones in Genesis 3 and 8 might cause issues (I don't know that they do, just something I'd want to check). But remember that the poses won't necessarily (or even probably) work well on other figures, depending on how different their zero poses are.

  • MattymanxMattymanx Posts: 6,956
    edited June 2019
    newoski said:
    Does this mean it will work converting poses from all gen (G3, G8, V7, V8, V4 etc) to Poser P4 compatible poses?

    You would have to load the poses one at a time in Ds and then save them out one at a time via the Poser Format Exporter.

    This was not a converter but just a way to save an individual pose as a poser PZ2 pose file.

    Post edited by Mattymanx on
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