UE 5.4.1 new problem with land animation.

Before this could be fixed by unchecking force root lock. But now it looks like the mesh explodes for a second. That fix is not working. The only thing I could find to help here was the additive settings.
No additive = exploding / zooming mesh
Local Space = almost right but arms seem wrong
Mesh Space = a weird body twist to the left
Has anyone figured this out yet? Thanks
"Trying to play a non-additive animation "MM_Land" into a pose that is expected to be additive in anim instance"
bump bump
Yeah the local space for additive seems to be the best choice. But the arms still look wrong coming down. You can see a video of that here.
ba da ba da bump
Additive settings - Additive Anim Type = Mesh Space
Additive settings - Base Pose Type = Selected animation frame
Choose land animation and set Ref frame index to 10.
Its a work around not a fix but it worked for me.