Can I use my purchased content on more than one PC?
Hi everyone! So, I want to know if I can use my account and the content I purchased with it on multiple pc's? I've tried to read the licensing agreement but sadly, my Legalese is terrible and I feel very insecure about my interpretation of it.
Short history: been playing around with Daz Studio for many years but never had a computer capable enough to do anything good with it, but now I've finally gone and bought myself a modern pc with much more appropriate specs.
I would love to be able to keep using my old machine for basic scene, materials and character design and basically just goofing around and experimenting like I've been doing so far.
So, does the license allow me to install my purchased content on multiple computers?
Thanks in advance.
Moved to Art Studio as it is not a Daz Studio application issue.
The license is granted to you, not your computer, so yes you can use it on different machines, at least consecutively (as ooposed to having two copies of the application running concurrently, though having it installed on both machines would be fine).
Wow, that makes me very happy! Now I can at last go and have some fun!
Thank you, Richard!