Decimator Plug in, free or buy? (for Real Time Preview)
Hi friends of the never ending nightshift,
i am concidering to buy the Decimator plug in.
Now i read on youtube its free and included on DS but can't find it in my DS GUI.
Its written i can find it under »EDIT/VIEW ... Decimator«
I can't find it.
Any help and/or info please?
Thankies, LIVA
Post edited by Johanna on
I am not sure what and where you read it but as far as I am aware Decimator has never been free,
Was a tutorial about it on youtube.
Do you guys know, does it work like a one click reduction tool for polys for faster work?
Asking because i don't do game design and dont need low poly export.
What i need is a tool that work like: »show / calculate 50% of polys only« - i don't want to select all single items and reduce them manually.
Sad there is no trial
PS: I also could imagine its free because the GUI of DS is very laggy and really need speed up while setting up a szene.
I create content in Second Life normally and there everything is real time on my machine. (25 fps - latest iMac 27")
You also can see the real light you create and all textures in 1024 x 1024 px.
It looks a bit like its a rendering with no ambient occlusuion and no caustics but very good.
The relation (speed/quality) between 25fps for a full screen and a DS rendering that needs up to 10 hours is a bit strange.
The full screen iRay preview in ok quality to judge the setup needs like 5 minutes in DS and that's way to lame.
hmm ... 25fps is "frames per second", that's how many images are required for one second of animation. If the image is taking 10 hours to render, that would be 10 x 25 x "y" where "y" is how many seconds is the animation. And yes, it can take months to render out "big screen movies". Thankfully somebody also invented "render farms".
Decimator is more like a 2 click option than 1. It calculates the nodes and then you decide "how much" of a decimation you want done and it produces the LOD .obj file which can be switched to and fro over on the Parameters Tab. I do not see how it could help set up a scene faster. One could put more in their scene using the decimated objects in the background. Clothes do not normally decimate too much too well. Nor would any relatively low poly object in the first place.
To speed up rendering, check for updated drivers and types of light, etc being used. Whether or not shadows are really required, esp. on items such as "hair".
24 FPS is/was the standard for film. 30 FPS is/was the standard for video (at least in countries where the electricity alternates at 60 MHz).
Yes ... 30 is what mine at set at.
Decimator was not precisely "free" but it was "included at no extra charge" if you actually paid for your copy of Daz Studio 4.0 Pro a few years back when Daz decided to give selling their software a try. When they reverted back to the software is free model, Decimator had to be stripped out of the free version.
I believe Decimator is still built into Studio just like Animator2 is, you just need to have the serial numbers to activate them, and no I do not mean insert the Studio Pro serial numbe in to their plug-in slots as that can mesh thing up big time.
Haven't noticed 'cause I bought the plugin but didn't putting the $serial key unlock Decimator anyways for those who had purchased 4.0.
AS I understand it, yes.There were two kinds of 4.# serial numbers. Ones that say SDZFPRO with the F meaning the free vesrion of Studio, do not unlock the Decimator plug in. If your serial number does not have the F, meaning you paid the money for Studio, it should unlock the Decimator.
That means if i have the latest free version of DAZ and never paied for DAZ i must buy the Decimator?
Yes, if you only have the free version of DS Pro you need to buy the Decimator plugin if you want to use it.
ok, thank you fairy much :-D