my uv map from daz studio sucks when i create a texture from polypaint in zbrush

hi there, i am relativly unexperienced in 3d and i have a problem that i can´t solve - hopefully someone here knows how to


i textured a face (victoria 6) in zbrush. i exported it (instead of using goz) in order to keep the groups ect.... 

than i painted a new face on  the mask with polypaint etc and made a new texture from that polypaint

and now it happens... something must be going wrong with the uv cause when i do so some areas jump and the result is not usable

i know it´s an issue with the uv cause when i created a new uv with uv master that problem doesn´t appear


now my qustion is: what is the problem with the original uv´s from daz? and how can i fix it


i think i need these cause later in the prozess i just wanna replace the texture from victorias face. and later after pose and setting is set i wanna render....

have you guys any idea what to do?


i hope i made this all clear enough


i´ll attach some images to illustrate the issue





  • octobusoctobus Posts: 117

    here are the screenshots

    774 x 942 - 86K
    774 x 942 - 85K
  • octobusoctobus Posts: 117

    oh! and here are the exportsettings

    520 x 622 - 62K
  • octobusoctobus Posts: 117

    ok. even one more screenshot... i just looked at the unwrapped uv in zbrush filled with lines and there is the problem... for some reason the ears are on the top of the head!?!

    what could be the reason for this? and how can i go around this?

    1704 x 1245 - 692K
  • octobusoctobus Posts: 117

    all is good now. i figured it out. EVERYTHING invisible (like the teeth and toung and such) had to be deleted from the canvas... even the ears! if only the face masc is left than there are no overlapping objects on the uv map


  • Cris PalominoCris Palomino Posts: 11,700

    Yeah, just select what you need for that particular map and hide the rest.

  • octobusoctobus Posts: 117

    actually i think it must be even deleted - and not only be hidden...

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