Import Renderosity G2-Textures in Daz 4.8 Pro

edited December 2015 in New Users


i know this question get asked a lot but i tried for many hours now and dont know what to do next.

I have downloaded some stuff on Renderosity for the G2 Model. I get a "data", "people" and "runtime" folder. If i copy them in my Library nothing shows up in my Programm.

I successfully did this with some other textures i got from (There was a additional folder "runtime/support" if thats what i am missing)

I dont know what i am missing with the files from renderosity. Is there anything else i need to do to import the files? I tried "Content DB Maintenance" and then "Re-Import Metadata" but only the stuff from appears.

Anything could help. Thank you very much!! Sorry for my bad english.

Edited to remove links

Post edited by Richard Haseltine on


  • KhoryKhory Posts: 3,854

    Very unlikely that a rendo product has metadata. You can add it to the catagories or add metadata yourself. There should be instructions on the forum somewhere.


    BTW. Direct links to other stores is a nono so don't be upset when they remove the link.

  • If you installed correctly (merged the Data, People adn Runtime folders with the existing folders) you should find the content in the Content Library pane under DAZ Studio Formats>Folder you isntalled to>People>whatever subfolders are used.

  • Sorry for the link. I should have known that. 

    You helped me a lot. I found everything. Thank you very much!

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