Couple of things to start with :)


So, I got Daz..

Seems really cool.. 

Started downloading and install the free stuff, running into some snags..


The day at the beach, when loaded from render ready produces tons of error messages, and doesnt render all objects and materials.

Also, download the Dystopia City Blocks freebie, but cant seem to find any type of mesh to load, there are mats tho.

Installed Bryce, but it has no program to load.. just a preset directory with textures.

Also go a bunch of other free clothing stuff, I'm only seeing about 1/10th of anything in smartcontent, and when I do manage to find it, it doesnt load.. and I've tried all the characters, free ones anyway, possibly they are for chars I dont have?

and I dont get the whole name to name stuff, Jenna for Ann, and what not... stuff is driving me crazy.

thanks.. prolly be asking lots more stuff soon.. 



  • KindredArtsKindredArts Posts: 1,271

    Hey there, You might have to break it down problem by problem.

    Day at the beach - Have you installed Genesis 2 female? That looks like the only dependancy.

    Dystopia City Blocks - Can you clarify, is it giving an .obj error?

    Smart content isnt included for everything by default, you can however use the regular content manager.

  • Day at the beach, I do have the genesis 2 essentials, male/female... 


    Dystopia, no errors, cant find it to load anything.. in the content library I see only a few materials, textures that dont do anything when selected.

    As for the other downloaded stuff, that's where I found it, in the content library, but say.. the holiday hot tub pack, doesnt seem anything works on the basic male/fem, gen1, gen2, or gen3 peoples.

  • SimonJMSimonJM Posts: 5,999

    Did you install Bryce (which I think is back to being a paid-for product) or the free brcye 5.5 content?

    With the clothing be aware there is a difference between the actual clothing item and textures for it, especially add-ons for an existing product.  Loading the texture won't work without the item being in the scene and selected.

  • As far as Bryce goes, looked again, I I thought on the download page it was all different operating systems, but aye.. the first option was the content, the 2nd was the right one, and all the others were 32bit this and apple that.. thanks :) 

    As for the dystopia, is the stuff on the freebie list addons for that? and so they dont work as standalone?


    Going to mess with the items again and see what happens, I did notice the lack of hair options, my gen3 only has 1 short hair.. doh! But some of the other things like iray skin shaders, makeup, etc are working cross gen's .. so i'm happy with that.

  • KindredArtsKindredArts Posts: 1,271

    The dystopia sets - did you buy the daz/poser set or the LWO set? If you picked up the free daz/poser set, it should be the full pack.

    Gen 3 is a fairly new figure, if you want a larger variety of hair styles and outfits, you'll have to pick them up off the store or make them yourself. Alternatively, you could pick up an auto-fitting clone and use older gen hairs.

  • I dont know what's going on with the dystopia, so it should be a full version.. and it was from the free page, but I dont see it anywhere to load it :/

  • also, just curious.. as it seems, there are no default effects/FX things to play with? 

  • I dont know what's going on with the dystopia, so it should be a full version.. and it was from the free page, but I dont see it anywhere to load it :/

    It sounds like you're only finding the D|S materials. All the Dystopia city sets are fairly old, they don't have D|S objects, they have Poser objects. Look in your Content Library tab and switch from the D|S Formats section to the Poser Formats section, open the library folder, and you'll find the Dystopia stuff in the Figures library.

    Note that this is the way things are supposed to install; D|S can't show Poser files and its own native format files at the same time.

  • Yea, so I didn't know how closely Poser/Daz was working together as far as formats.. new and all .. 

    So I didn't install the poser formats, after doing so.. I can see everything.. and a few extras .. :)


  • kaotkblisskaotkbliss Posts: 2,914

    An easy way to find your stuff that's installed by using the Daz Install Manager...

    click on the tab labeled "Content Library"

    you will see a list of places to browse (Daz studio formats, Poser formats, Other import formats...) click on the drop arrow for "Products"

    This lists all your products and everything that came with said product.

    go down to "D" and click the down arrow

    find your Dystopia city blocks in the list and click one.

    In the window just to the right of the list you will see every object, material, pose, whatever, that was installed with that product :)


    A thing to remember is, this list uses the same naming convention as the Daz store so if you can't quite remember what a product was named, you can always come here and look under your product library in your user setting to see everything you've ever bought (with a search function to help find that item you can't quite remember the name of)

  • OK,

    So I've been happy for a few days..

    I still notice stuff not working correctly..and i wonder if it's this, or this is normal..

    I have 2 my librarys, etc.. one is in my public/documents folders and the other in my username/documents..

    when I installed all the props, chars, etc.. I did it in username/documents .. and not in public, is this causing my problems?

    and err, how to fix, re-install everything?

    Is it normal to have 2 daz/poser library's ?


  • Having two (or more) content directories is fine. The \Documents\DAZ 3D\Studio\My Library is the DS 4 default, and is intended for user-generated content (all the save commands default to there). Public Documents\My DAZ 3D Library was added for DIM. Content, with the exception of morph expansions for figures using the ExP system (fourth generation figures mainly) will work from either location - ExP figures need to have all their files in one content directory, though it doesn't matter which or have to be the same for different base figures.

  • cool, I have everything in one location, but I guess I'll have to go check the files manually sometime.. maybe something got put in wrong..

    My method was to unzip, then select the root folders, ie runtime etc, and drop them straight over the exsiting ones.. I read that somewhere, here, or somewhere...

    but something must have gone wrong :(

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    cool, I have everything in one location, but I guess I'll have to go check the files manually sometime.. maybe something got put in wrong..

    My method was to unzip, then select the root folders, ie runtime etc, and drop them straight over the exsiting ones.. I read that somewhere, here, or somewhere...

    but something must have gone wrong :(

    That generally works...but sometimes you can end up with 'nested' double check that there isn't a 'runtime' folder inside the main runtime and stuff like that.

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