IRAY memory allocation error?
WARNING: dzneuraymgr.cpp(261): Iray ERROR - module:category(IRAY:RENDER): 1.8 IRAY rend error: Unable to allocate 16777216 bytes of device memory.
WARNING: dzneuraymgr.cpp(261): Iray ERROR - module:category(IRAY:RENDER): 1.3 IRAY rend error: CUDA device 1 (GeForce GTX 970): Scene setup failed
Actually it might be the memory limit on the card. Just curious if it is; I don't recall seeing it before. It was using the 980ti to render, according to GPUz at any rate.
No expert but reading that it would appear that DAZ is trying to send 16GB to the card but there isn't enough space for it so the scene can't be set up.
I have had that error & it is definately the out of memory message for the GTX 970 - When I get that it falls back to the CPU as I only have the 970 but as you have 980TI it used just that card
That converts to 16 MB not GB. Could still mean the 970 got filled. If GB, the 980ti wouldn't have been used either.
Yes, that means the RAM on the 970 is filled. Unfortunately, DAZ doesn't return much useful information in this scenario, so you have to dig through the log to see this. (DAZ please add graphics card resource usage in the main UI, it would be very, VERY useful).
In general, when having multiple cards, only use the one with the biggest amount of memory for rendering, so just stick to the 980.
Yeah, I can never get them the right way round :)