Bryce and Daz Sudio crash help

Hi. I can use Bryce by itself, and I can use Daz Studio by itself, but when I try and use them together, they both crash  I get a "Fatal error" message.

Bryce sometimes just crashes on it's own. It simply goes away. I've learned to save as I go to get around this and it's really not a big thing.

Is there another way to get Poser and other non-Bryce content into the program? If I try and import an obj. I get some error message for that too.

I had Bryce 5 and rarely had a problem with it. Then the new Daz Studio came out and they weren't compatible so I got Bryce 7 pro.

Any ideas?


  • Well, thank you so much for your help. I think I will contact customer service about a refund. No wonder Bryce is all but dead.

  • My apologies for not providing a response.  I think with the holidays it probably slipped under the radar and got overlooked.  If you're still out there and willing to let the forum members give you some assistance, I know you'll get some helpful responses. We may not be able to solve your issue, but we'll certainly try.  Since you may be gone, I won't ask many follow up questions to your initial post, but here are a couple:

    What operating system are you running?

    What does the error message say when you're trying to import an obj file?

    I use DazStudio and Bryce together, but only to bring in objects from Daz/Poser, so I know Bryce 7.1 Pro and DazStudio are compatible.



  • JamahoneyJamahoney Posts: 1,791
    edited December 2015

    Don't use Poser, so can't comment there, however, as Art says, both Bryce and DS are compatible (though, I've read somewhere that there might be issues with materials etc., depending on which way you go - e.g. Bryce to DS, DS to Bryce etc.,)

    As to the crashes, have you made Bryce Large Address Aware - see the first post here (and download the file). It's a useful piece of software - not only for Bryce, but for other softwares, too.


    Post edited by Jamahoney on
  • Dave SavageDave Savage Posts: 2,433
    edited January 2016

    I ALWAYS use Poser to get content into Bryce (saved as .obj)... What you will find is that the .mtl file doesn't actually retain the data as to where the textures are saved and Poser will not package them up with the .obj file.

    So as you import your .obj, Bryce will ask you to find each texture (if other required textures are in the same folder as the first one you find, it will realise this and move on to the next one it doesn't know the location of). A word of caution, Bryce uncompresses all picture files so they will possibly use up a lot of memory. Because of this mny people have problems with Genesis figures and Elite textures as they are just so damned big. Usually much biggerer than required.

    Hope this helps... Can't help with Daz Studio because I never use it.

    Post edited by Dave Savage on
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