A question that i can't find an anwser to.

I notested that there are game developer license's on the store so i was wondering if i buy an iteam out of the store where it's free or cost money can i use it for Commercial use or is it a wast of money?

On a side note i am makeing a game and don't want to start trouble because im useing models from the daz store and some were freebies i would like to know now before i finish the game and publish it and i have a ways togo but i would like to fix my mistake before it happens.



  • Morph3D is your better choice for DAZ type content

    It is in the Unity marketplace and includes all the licensing

    otherwise look at Makehuman and Fuse all more suited for games, DAZ stores stuff is just too highpoly as meant for art renders and videos

    Is a complex thing and quite frankly I would suggest Poser game developer with its included content or iClone and its included content, character creator and 3dxchange pipeline if wanting to go that route otherwise.

    The DAZ license is needed AND the PA you want to use as DAZ only covers DAZ originals not premier Artists, so can add up very quickly for highpoly figures too big for games anyway.

  • so your saying i need the DAZ Commercial Game Developer License if i want to use any of the items for the store in my game and i need the artist's ok as well.


    p.s i did get the stuff to work in my game just fine i was wondering if i would get sued if i used them.

  • best contact DAZ

    I have the indy one myself but not so much success, but more due to user inability, for personal use on your own computer its OK but cannot redistibute to others, reason other options are safer, cheaper and less trouble

    can do 2D games with sprites without any extra licenses if you want to go that route.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    so your saying i need the DAZ Commercial Game Developer License if i want to use any of the items for the store in my game and i need the artist's ok as well.


    p.s i did get the stuff to work in my game just fine i was wondering if i would get sued if i used them.

    It is not legal to use anything from the  DAZ 3D store in your games without having the relevant licenses.   THe DAZ 3D game dev license only covers products which have DAZ 3D as one of the vendors.  PA items, those which do not have DAZ 3D as a vendor, need their own license, and only some PAs do actually have licenses to permti their products to be used.  Products from PAs who do not sell a Game Dev licens are not legal to use at all, under any circumstances.

    It makes no difference whether the products have been purchased as such, or are given away with 100% discount (the free items)

    THese are the licenses which are currently available.  http://www.daz3d.com/catalogsearch/result/?q=game+developer+licenses

  • Is you game using 3D data or 2D sprites? Sprites would be covered by the basic EULA, only 3D data requires a Game Developer License.

  • well im glad i did not buy any thing cuz it's kind of a rip off to sell things you cant own its like renting why do it. i hope the people of daz point this out to thos who want to buy items im a littel upset my self with the false advertisement.

  • FistyFisty Posts: 3,416

    This isn't a game developer marketplace, this is for people for render 2d images and annimations primarily... and you can use any 2D rendered images and videos however you want, commercial or not, what you can't do is include the 3D models in games without the appropriate licences - because you're basically redistributing the 3D models with your game.

    I will reitterate

    - if you want to use 2D rendered images/annimations as sprites/loading screens/cut scenes in a game that is totally allowed without any extra licenses.

    - https://www.morph3d.com/ is Daz' game dev site, you'll have better luck over there.

  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604

    well im glad i did not buy any thing cuz it's kind of a rip off to sell things you cant own its like renting why do it. i hope the people of daz point this out to thos who want to buy items im a littel upset my self with the false advertisement.

    If you read the EULA, which you have to agree to before downloading anything from Daz 3D, you will see this in the very first part of the license agreement  I quote the first 4 bullet points.

    1.0 General License Agreement.




    • Content License. Daz grants to User and User hereby accepts, subject to the limitations and obligations of this Agreement, a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the Content, duly obtained by payment of all applicable license fees, as provided in this Agreement.
    • License Fees. User agrees to pay Daz, prior to or concurrent with delivery of the Content, the full license fee for use of the Content. User agrees to pay Daz any and all applicable taxes that are levied in conjunction with the purchase of the license for the Content whenever Daz must collect and/or pay such taxes from or on behalf of User. Furthermore, User agrees to pay Daz all costs, expenses, and attorney's fees expended by Daz in the collection of the license fees and any applicable taxes, whether by filing a lawsuit or through arbitration.
    • Title and Ownership. The Content contains copyrighted and/or proprietary information protected by the laws of the United States and/or international laws and treaties. Daz and its library licensors retain all rights in, title to, and ownership of the Daz Content. The applicable third-party published artists and their library licensors retain all rights in, title to, and ownership of the PA Content. Daz gives no rights or warranties with regard to the use of any objects, names, trademarks, service marks, or works of authorship depicted in any Content and User is solely responsible for separately obtaining all such necessary rights or consents that may be required for any particular use of objects, names, trademarks, service marks or works of authorship.
    • Restrictions on Copying. The Content is provided for User's exclusive use. User does not have the right to provide the Content to others in any form or on any media except as set forth in this Agreement. The Content may be copied in whole or in part for User’s exclusive use. Specifically, User may copy the Content onto the storage device of an unlimited number of computers owned or controlled by User. The Content is for User’s exclusive use and no other individual or entity. Each individual must obtain his or her own license to use the Content.

    You will find similar EULAs in all other 3D stores.

    Game development which calls for usage of the 3D mesh of the products is not included in the general license.

  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    Most software and content for software you buy you do not own, you only have a license to use it with that license spelling usage rights and restrictions.

  • JohannaJohanna Posts: 119

    Hmm, whats the difference between DAZ3D and MCS?

    I dont get for what MCS is made. What can i get there. Untextured mesh shapes?

    is that raw material for developers to import in 3D software?


  • ChoholeChohole Posts: 33,604
    LIVA said:

    Hmm, whats the difference between DAZ3D and MCS?

    I dont get for what MCS is made. What can i get there. Untextured mesh shapes?

    is that raw material for developers to import in 3D software?


    What is MCS?

  • kaotkblisskaotkbliss Posts: 2,914

    Sure you can't make games like Call of Duty or Battlefield

    The reason being is someone could get into the files for your game and extract the 3d model. Then they would have it for free.


    But you can make sprites for 2d or 2.5d games (2.5d - games that are angled to have perspective and seem 3d) I've got a couple games on Google play that demonstrate this. Whiskers and Squeek, Dragon Storm and Project:20M813 - Demo   All of which the graphics are completely made in Daz.

  • JohannaJohanna Posts: 119

    Sorry for confusion, i ment Morph3D. Dunno how MCS entered my small brain ;-D

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