Realistic navel for V4?

It seems a lot of attention has been paid to making most V4 figures and material reasonably realistic, except for navels.  Is there a reason for this, or something we're missing?  If it's true, can somepoint point out some documentation for beginners on how to create some?


  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    The easiest way to add a navel would be in post work via photo shop, or gimp or something similar I would think.  You might be able to do it in blender or hexagon but a belly button is pretty easy to just paint on when you are done with your scene.

  • JohannaJohanna Posts: 119
    edited December 2015

    Or paint into the color and bump map of the avatars texture.

    Photoshop has a nice filter to create pseudo bumpmaps.

    Post edited by Johanna on
  • Thanks.  Eventually we want to create animations from this, so post work would be a lot of work.  Can you point us toward some documentation about how to "paint into the color and bump map"?  Or a tutorial?  Something to get beginner's started?

  • ToborTobor Posts: 2,300

    Define "realistic." I've seen numerous navel and other belly morphs for V4 over the years, and many of them look to have imitated some of the wide variety of navel shapes.

    You might start on ShareCG and other sources and look for the freebies, and if you don't find what you're looking for, try the commercial (paid) morph sets.

  • Thanks.  We've actually done a lot of looking (though didn't know about ShareCG).  It seems that the content providers don't really give much information about their products, so it's really hard, at least for a rank beginner, to understand what a package will actually provide.  By 'realistic' I guess I really just mean something not so simplistic; the V4 version has no real detail or irregulariy, and navels come in a lot more shapes than that.

  • Apparently (according to the young person who's actually doing most of this work) I haven't asked the right question.  What we'd really like to do is re-create navels (and eventually other things) from photos.  We've found some general tutorials on creating maps, but not enough to get us newbies going with realistic body elements -- would it be bump maps?

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