Let' Make Clothing - Genesis 3 ONLY - Part Two uploaded

patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006

Optimistically says she, Let's make some clothing for Genesis 3, male and/or female.

The tutorial "part one" is done, waiting to be uploaded ...

In the meantime thought I'd start the thread.

There are a few tools available only one of which I have at present, these are:




For those new to this website, it pays to buy membership BEFORE going shopping.





Part One - some basics and we make "Clothing Dummies"

Part Two - We make a dress mesh, uvmap it, apply Shading Domains, make the clothing file in D/S, make a morph, etc. and of course, save it.

Lets Make Clothing 3 promo.png
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Post edited by patience55 on


  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715

    Thanks for this.

  • Just download this.  I was never able to download the original tutorial that told how to make these mannequins so I'm very glad you did this updated version.  I'll be waiting with baited breath for the next installment.  Thanks!!!

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006

    You're all welcome.

    I have some ideas from the freebie request thread and we'll see what works the day I try modeling them. One piece of advice for modeling is that "serious" modeling is best NOT done when it's super late and one is tired ;-)  Also to take breaks now and then. One needs to remember to "walk the dog" "feed the cat" etc. And get a good bowl of popcorn for those uvmapping days lol ...

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 2015

    Part Two still WIP - have a lot of the images edited but a few more to make.

    Part Two.png
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  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited January 2016

    Alright - Part Two! We cover making the mesh, making uvmaps, Shading Domains, morphs, the clothing file and a little bit about rigging it too.

     The Tutorial

    Post edited by patience55 on
  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006

    btw - if anybody is wanting a "starter suit" of sorts aside from any on the grand list of freebies mentioned in times of old, this little fella is a treasure :-)

    Have been using it for Genesis on D/S4.5 because 4.5 is the edition which still "smooths to shape" which is a feature gone missing from the later releases [seems it was an either/or when indeed a choice would be nifty]. In one day I have a full outfit including hair bases!



  • Many thanks!

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006

    You're most welcome.


    In putting the Cross-Figure utility to work it happens that yes most certainly the clothing OF one figure will simply fit onto the opposite one however for actually making clothes IMHO, it's nice to have "male" and "female" clothes as such. It's not hard ... using the Cross-Figure one can quickly get the clothing that fits the opposite; HIDE the person figure and export out the .obj file. Then unhide the person figure; can delete from scene the old clothing piece; import in the newly shaped .obj file and make clothing as usual.

    after converting.png
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  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006

    In case anybody is also still working in 4.6 - Genesis 3 reverts to "base" resolution ONLY when sent over the bridge to Hexagon.


    she loses it.png
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  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006

    Today's lesson: thou shalt not have a space after a name for the product while saving a rigged clothing item. D/S4.6 totally refused that idea.

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006

    G3M pants, YES! It is possible. A little more work possibly than say for Genesis, but it is possible.

    1. I did not touch any "joint control" things.

    2. I did "anchor" the area, smoothed out the lines and added one more layer of smoothing in Hexagon to the entire clothing item.

    3. Used the Transfer Utility to make the clothing, "reverse deformations" [because G3s tend to have surprize morphs dialed in].

    4. Saved the clothing and then started posing and morphing.

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  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006

    HU [heads up] for those using the Hexagon bridge to make clothing, scrap the texture images and/or clear them in D/S BEFORE saving files. Hexagon is shooting things over the bridge with images yes, but NOT the same images sent to it. The new images are in the temp folder somewhere on the computer which is NOT where you want your clothing's textures to be coming from ;-)

    And yes, it always creates an extra default material with nothing attached to it. This too needs to be removed in D/S. Remember after any changes to clothing, save the file!

  • Part One - some basics and we make "Clothing Dummies"

    Part Two - We make a dress mesh, uvmap it, apply Shading Domains, make the clothing file in D/S, make a morph, etc. and of course, save it.

    could you please update the links

  • LlynaraLlynara Posts: 4,770
    edited December 2016

    Sorry wrong thread!

    Post edited by Llynara on
  • Part One - some basics and we make "Clothing Dummies"

    Part Two - We make a dress mesh, uvmap it, apply Shading Domains, make the clothing file in D/S, make a morph, etc. and of course, save it.

    The links are dead. Do you have a more up  to date link please?

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    nuccle said:
    Part One - some basics and we make "Clothing Dummies"

    Part Two - We make a dress mesh, uvmap it, apply Shading Domains, make the clothing file in D/S, make a morph, etc. and of course, save it.

    The links are dead. Do you have a more up  to date link please?

    Hi there,

    I'm not online as much as I was so pardon the late response.

    I'm also not near my main computer so from memory:

    Making a Clothing Dummy aka Mannequin.

    Export out an .obj file WITH groups. [NO images] Import that into Hexagon. Select ALL the groups, then select ALL the faces, make "new" Shading Domains. Each domain will now have its own colour. Export out that .obj file. Close Hexagon. Open Hexagon and import said .obj file. Hopefully it kept the colours [sometimes does, sometimes doesn't] ... anyhow, colour the sections as you please, I recommend dark colours so poke through is more visible. When ready, select ALL the groups and "weld" them together. Name the file as a clothing dummy or mannequin. Export out the .obj file. Close the program. Open the program, import in said clothing dummy. Hopefully it kept the colours. If not, colour the Shading Domains as you please and this time SAVE the PROJECT. As you start working on the clothing item, one can "save as" or "incre-save" very soon into the work. This is to KEEP the original project file for the next clothing project too ;-)



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