Funky Teeth
Is Dusty for G2M supposed to be some sort of bumpkin? His teeth look fine pre-render, but look like this (photo) after with big gaps between them. Whats up with this? This is a 3Delight render by the way.
Thanks for any help!
Dusty Teeth.jpg
502 x 438 - 124K
Post edited by artoir on
Select the surface of the teeth (by clicking with the Surface Selection tool or from the list in the Editor tab of the Surfaces pane) then in the Surfaces pane, Editor tab look at the top-left where the shader used is listed - I suspect it is the AoA SSS Shader. if that is so, find the Displacement settings for the teeth and make sure that the Minimum and Maximum values are both zero (assuming Displacement Strength is zero).
Thanks, I'll give that a shot.
I finally got around to trying this and it worked perfectly, thanks so much!