DS and 3D Connexion Space Navigator - Plug and play?
Since i am addicted to my 3D Connexion Space Navigator and use it for all my 3D software
i was happy to read it works with DS as well.
Can somebody please give me a short advice what to do to let it work?
Did i oversaw a hidden checkbox maybe?
Is there a special driver i have to install in DS maybe?
Normally you download the driver from 3Dconnexion and it runs automatically in
all applications. Like a mouse or a trackpad. Plug and play.
OSX, newest vesion here
Looks like there is no solution.
I will open a support ticket to the DAZ-Team.
I found a lot sources in www that say »It works« but nobody can tell how.
I sure hope you are successful! I am dying to find a solution to get the Space Navigator working with DAZ Studio on my Mac.
Unbelievable but i think its true.
It's a must for DAZ3D since the mouse navigation in this software in fact is a nightmare.
In Cinema 4D you only have to press a key (to choose the axis) and move the mouse. Fast as a lightning and easy as duck ;-D
A good navigation system is priority one in every 3D environment.
Have you tried using keyboard navigation - WASD to move orthogonally and so on, like a game?
Thank you, yes but WASD only moves and is not supported by the mouse move
All it needs is a shortcut (press letter key) instead of clicking the cross or circle symbol on top right. Then the problem is solved. Another good thing in this is, the move circles the point you have clicked when pressed the key. Obvious and clever solution :-D
I bet for a scripter its less than 10 minutes of work.
Another mistery: Why the Space navigator works with Win and not with Mac.
Must be ignorance or bad will since the creators of software are very clever and well educated ppl.
You don't have to use the controls in the top corner, though pressing a letter key isn't supported (I asked about that myself a while back). The combinations of modifier and mouse button used are listed at the bottom of Window>Workspace>Customise, and can be changed there too.
I have the Space Navigator, using it with Windows 10 Pro and DAZ Studio 4.8. I didn't have to do anything special to get it to work. However, I found that the controls are ultra-sensitive. Even when I turn the sensitivity to minimum, I am flying around like a drunken pilot. Can't get it to go forward without skewing off in some weird direction. I can go up/down and spin relatively easily, however.
If i press the keys named there (CTRL-Shift/LMB i.e.) and press the mouse button nothing happens but a pop up shows up wich say: Edit Content
Richard, you are always so helpful. I want you to know your efforts are greatly appreciated.
Could you look into the issue of the Space Navigator being supported in Windoze, but not on the Mac? Is this such a difficult problem that your engineers can't solve it? It is such a great device, and it would add tremendously to the usability of DAZ Studio.
I'm not one of the developers so there's not very much i can do, sorry. I assume you ahve opened a support ticket yourself?
I'm not at home, so I will post later with more exact details if the following details are off by too much.
3DConnexion devices are very well supported in DS. I use the 3D Connexion SpaceMouse Pro and have no problems, but there was a bit of setting up I had to do before it would do the right thing and I suspect, LIVA, that will be the case for you too. I had to configure DS for the mouse and I had to configure the SpaceMouse for DS. It is due to 3DConnexion that DS on Windows is conpatible but not on the Mac.
I hope this provides some help for those wishing to get a 3DConnexion device setup to DS.