DAZ3D (GF3) content in Posers Runtime folder structure - compatibility?

If i buy content on Renderosity the products say »Works in DAZ3D« but the files that i got deliverered

are stored in Runtime folder only. No DAZ3D folder structure.

Will i find the items in DAZ3D if the files are stored in the Runtime library only?


Very chaotic product delivery and content management there btw.

Character mods are seperated in 3 Zip-Files with 3 Runtime folders i.e.

Plus - some creators use colons for naming products. The result are Folder names like »EDI%2C+Beauty+products+Templates_174361«

If you buy 10 Products you will end up with 20 - 30 folders like that wich contain double and triple content you must sort out and double check for hours and hours

The design and structure of the shop itself looks very professional but the after buy process is a nightmare pure.

The very friendly support told me they are planning to change that in early 2016. Thumbs up!


  • I'm surprised at a G3F product coming with Poser files (other than the use of Runtime\Textures for the maps). Are there .duf files in the \Runtime\Libraries\Materials\whatever folder, with matching Poser files? If so it's just a slightly odd way to deliver the item - the .duf files will load when the Poser files are double-clicked in the Content Library pane, or you can move them (and their thumbnails) to the usual \People\Genesis 3 Female\Character location and ignore the Poser files.

  • JohannaJohanna Posts: 119

    Very helpful Richard, thank you:-D

    Do you know about a documentation or a tut for the content folders system to learn wich item is what for.

    I have the feeling i move a lot (for me useless, since i deleted poser from my HD) trash and double stuff back and forth atm.

    Would DAZ3D run without the Runtime folder?

    Since i dont know what file »ask« for a special path to find child data - i am afraid to touch or move anything atm.


  • Some older content is in Poser format, and almost all textures get placed in Runtime\Textures. Also the metadata and product thumbnails, pre-Daz Connect, go in Runtime\Support. DS content that is in the Runtime\Libraries\LibraryName folders along with an identically named Poser library file will be loaded by DS, and that's how some mixed-format products are distributed. So you don't want to remove the Runtime folder, no. Unfortunately it isn't easy to give a set of rules as the system allows a fair bit of flexibility, which different people will have used in different ways.

  • JohannaJohanna Posts: 119

    Does this mean, if i purchase something that only has content for the runtime structure folder

    i need to copy spme of these files and put the copys into i.e.

    - Data

    - People

    - Genesis

    or similar folders to show up in DS?


    ATM no content i have bought on Renderosity showas up in DS. Not even after DB maintenance

  • No, if the item has only the Runtime structure then it should work (if it's DS compatible) from there, though you may need to look under Poser Formats in the Content Library pane to find it. Frebies may sometimes be genuinely muddled but items from stores should be set-up to work.

  • fred9803fred9803 Posts: 1,564

    The best way to use these things for DS use is to load them into DS and then save them into your DS content library for later use. This will create a .duf file for the item. And AFAIK just putting an .obj file into the DS Data folder will not work. Nor will putting a figure's .cr2 file into the DS People folder. You need to bring native Poser stuff into DS and resave it if you want it readily available in your DS content library.

  • JohannaJohanna Posts: 119

    Via import?

  • If you isntall it correctly (as above) it will appear under Poser Formats in the Content Library pane - you can use File>Import, but it still has to be correctly placed.

  • JohannaJohanna Posts: 119

    I hope the content creators will have some strict rules in the futureand follow them

    Anarchy and Chaos makes me nervous though


    Thank you all :-D

  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    Those are Poser's strict rules, versions before 8 had a very rigid library structure and if a product didn't follow it the product could not work or even be seen by Poser.  There are still a lot of people using Poser 7 so many Pose products are targeted to the lowest common denominator to maximize sales.

  • JohannaJohanna Posts: 119

    Thanks for the great info Jestmart.

    I deleted Poser right after i bought it some time ago. I was so disapointed about the non professional GUI and the crazy content folder structure.

    DAZ3D is totally different luckily :-D


    Easy solution to have two clean versions.

    Zip 1 (DAZ3D)

    Zip 2 (Poser)

    Same content, saved to 2 different folder structures.

    For the creator its 3 minutes more work, for the user a whole day sometimes.


    Major problem is. If i have a problem in Photoshop i.e. i know it must be my failure.

    In DAZ3D i am never sure if i do a failure or its a bug or a strange failure.


    The whole folder structure was not concepted within a logic structure really.

    It has grown over a long period and a lot of different ppl have added a folder they needed spontanious.

    Now we have like 1000 folders within folders within folders but maybe 20 are enough. Its a dark everglade still.


    The new installation manager is a great help in a chaotic system but the structure remains a everglade.

    I already told to the support of Renderosity. The decision to buy something is not the price. 

    Its the question if i am willing to spend 3 hours for installing and testing a new character.

    A consequence of this is i only buy the stuff i REALLY need. For -nice to have- i can't invest any time.

    I am in marketing and i know, if ppl can fill their computer with one click they buy way way more.


    Imagine you buy a song in iTunes and you must install: 

    Songs/Composers/Rock/Independent/Instruments/Electric/Guitars/6-String/Vintage/Baby I Love You

    plus 10 more ...




  • fred9803fred9803 Posts: 1,564

    The new (post 8) Poser file structure can largely be ignored with regard to where you place props, characters, shaders and poses (including mat poses). So you can group things together that belong together. Textures still must go in the texture folder and the .objs into Geometries folder.

    It's pretty much the same with DS with regard to where you put your content. Some vendors put their models of buildings in the Architecture folder and others in the Prop folder which makes it hard to organise unless you manually install. And it's made much worse when they put it in a subfolder under their vendor name.... the folders within folders within folders problem.

    As every vendor has their own and very different idea of where things belong, I'd suggest you manually install everything to where you want it, or you'll have a bloated and illogical file structure that will make it nigh impossible to find anything.

  • JohannaJohanna Posts: 119

    Does this mean i can decide what folder i want to put something in, somewhere in the »My DAZ 3D Library«

    DAZ3D will still find the files automaticly after i have reorganized them?


  • fred9803fred9803 Posts: 1,564

    Yes, with regard to your content folder. Data and texture files will need to go into the right place though. For example Darius comes with his figure in a Characters folder, but his materials are in a seperate Materials folder. There is no reason why you can't put his materials within his character folder where it logically belongs.

  • Poser content has to go into one of the library folders - in \Rutnime\Libraries that's Camera, Character, Face, Hair, Hand, Lights, Materials, Pose, Props, or Scene. Other folders you may see in the Libraries folder - such as the !DAZ folder - are there for non-user facing content such as moprh data that is read in by the figure or pose file and those should not be moved at all.

  • IceDragonArtIceDragonArt Posts: 12,548

    I solved this problem by making my own categories structure.  I load everything via DIM or by dropping the freebies or other content from other sites into the runtime folder (or whatever they are labelled as).  then I track them down and copy them to my own category structure.  Yes, I still have to find them the first time but after that, I know exactly where to find my stuff.  On the flip side I am very very well aquainted with where things are most likely to show up in the content tree.  Oddly enough a lot of it ends up in the Poser/My Daz 3d library/poses folder.  for no good reason that I have been able to figure out lol.

  • JohannaJohanna Posts: 119
    edited December 2015


    Yay, that! ... You and me thing it belongs there. Why do the creators different?


    @ Richard

    I dont use Poser anymore. is there a list of what files use an internal link to a fixed place and what kind of files can be sorted logical as ashley stated?


    @ IceDragon

    Noramally i would love to have a folder structure like

    - Models (Avatars))

    - Styling (Fashion & Props)

    - Hair / Make-Up

    - Locations (Landscapes & Architecture)

    - Lights & Setups

    - Tools

    - AUX


    Textures belong to the object that need that textures. Extra folder far away means chaos.


    Consequence is: If you buy new content it goes to one category only. All other is subfolders then.


    i.e., if you buy a new avatar it goes to MODELS, all content of that goes to MODELS / SUBFOLDERS STRUCTURE


    Thankies and big hugs to you


    Post edited by Johanna on
  • If it's in a Runtiem folder assume it's Poser content and can be moved only if it is somewhere in one of the folders I listed, in which case it can be moved to somewhere else in one of those folders - make sure you move all files wuith the same name but different extensions/filetypes together.

  • fred9803fred9803 Posts: 1,564

    If, as you say you don't use Poser anymore, I assume you are talking about DS file structure. Your textures that reside in Runtime/Textures need to be exactly where they belong because when you apply them the link to their folder position needs to be correct. And I assume the Data files also need to be likewise.

    AFAIK everything else such as light presets, props, shaders, scenes, materals stc. in your Content Library can be arranged in any file structure you please.

    I never let DIM install anything if I can help it. I find it much quicker to copy files to where I want them from the zip.

  • JohannaJohanna Posts: 119

    Ok, thank you very much :-D

    Later, when i am back at home i will show a screenshot of the content i bought and did not show up in DAZ.

    I am sure if you see the files you can tell me why i can't see them in DS

  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    This is really quite simple.  In Studio with the Content Library tab open only the files you can see under DAZ Studio Formats and Poser Formats can be safely moved.  But files most be moved only to folders that are under the same format, do not move Poser Format files to DAZ Studio Format folder and vice versa.  You should also be aware that moving files will break DIM's ability to update those files.

  • JohannaJohanna Posts: 119
    edited December 2015

    This is what i got and can't see it or open in DAZ3D.

    Post edited by Johanna on
  • JohannaJohanna Posts: 119

    This is what i got and can't see it or open in DAZ3D.

    466 x 1221 - 150K
  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    Have you added "3DA_Agatha_3_168038" as a Poser Format library in Studio's Content Directory Manager?

  • JohannaJohanna Posts: 119
    edited December 2015

    Yes, its all in the Runtime folder now.

    The creator did not prepared a DS folder structure for this item.

    (The pic shown is already a cleaned up version of the original delivery ZIPs. It came in 3 ZIPs with lots of double files. Cpt. Chaos on duty)


    I found the files in my Content Manager now - in Poser directory

    What is the best way to move or copy (wich ones and what place) files to DAZ3D structure?

    Post edited by Johanna on
  • jestmartjestmart Posts: 4,449

    They are in a Studio structure because Studio can use Poser file folder structure.  Please post a screen shot of your Content Directory Manager with both DAZ Studio Formats and Poser Formats expanded.

  • fred9803fred9803 Posts: 1,564
    edited January 2016

    "What is the best way to move or copy (wich ones and what place) files to DAZ3D structure?"

    At the risk of repeating what has been said above by several poster, don't even attempt to intergrate Poser files into your Daz My Libraries file structure. Leave them in their own Poser library structure and link the runtime to DS by adding the runtime to studio.

    Edit - Note that some character props and other props will for some reason not directly import into DS, but if you open them in Poser and resave them they will come across OK.

    Untitled - 1.jpg
    446 x 310 - 62K
    Post edited by fred9803 on
  • JohannaJohanna Posts: 119

    Thank you all, will try that now :-D


    Happy 20, happy 16!

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