Missing Checkbox for GPU in Advanced Iray settings
I am wondering why i can see a checkbox for CPU only in my advanced Iray settings.
On some screenshots in this forum i saw other ppl can check CPU and / or GPU.
If i can't see my GPU in the advanced settings, does that mean my iRay renderer does not see / use my GPU?
I use an iMac 27" with »NVIDIA GeForce GTX 775M 2048 MB«
Macs suck for GPU IRAY; there is a thread somewhere that is full of Mac users expressing their disgust over Apple.
It's possible, but not a Mac user.
And it appears the search function has disappeared from the forums; at least for me - I was going to try and find it. Sorry.
Here is the thread to get iray working on mac (read the post by Totte as I think that will get your card showing)
Since Uncle Steve is dead the Macs become really silly machines, haha
The new manager is wearing Steves fashion and he uses his toothbrush as well i bet ;-D
Thank you both for your help, i will dig myself deep into the chaotic Nivida website, playing easter bunny to find the right drivers.
PS: After 30 years of using (and loving) Macs my next machines will be Win(ners) most def.