Missing Checkbox for GPU in Advanced Iray settings

I am wondering why i can see a checkbox for CPU only in my advanced Iray settings.

On some screenshots in this forum i saw other ppl can check CPU and / or GPU.

If i can't see my GPU in the advanced settings, does that mean my iRay renderer does not see / use my GPU?

I use an iMac 27" with »NVIDIA GeForce GTX 775M 2048 MB«


  • nicsttnicstt Posts: 11,715
    edited December 2015

    Macs suck for GPU IRAY; there is a thread somewhere that is full of Mac users expressing their disgust over Apple.

    It's possible, but not a Mac user.

    And it appears the search function has disappeared from the forums; at least for me - I was going to try and find it. Sorry.

    Post edited by nicstt on
  • Here is the thread to get iray working on mac (read the post by Totte as I think that will get your card showing)




  • JohannaJohanna Posts: 119

    Since Uncle Steve is dead the Macs become really silly machines, haha

    The new manager is wearing Steves fashion and he uses his toothbrush as well i bet ;-D

    Thank you both for your help, i will dig myself deep into the chaotic Nivida website, playing easter bunny to find the right drivers.


    PS: After 30 years of using (and loving) Macs my next machines will be Win(ners) most def.

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