Animation with Daz
I have a few questions about animating in Daz. I know there are several tools, like pupeteer, animate lite. etc. But what I am wondering is if you can create animations right in the Timeline?
I made some animations for the Sims 3 in Blender. And the timeline in Daz looks pretty similiar to that. In short I would pose the figure, and then set the pose to that frame, and move on to the next frame and pose, etc. and create an animation like that frame by frame. I tried that in Daz but the poses didn't stick. In Blender I had to set the pose by clicking on I (loc rot). I'm assuming there might be some way of sertting the pose from each frame in Daz as well.
I was looking for tuts but they mostly seem to be about aniblocks or puppeteer. I'm assuming you can create your own aniblocks, so how would you do that with Daz besides the puppeteer. I saw a thread here that has a list of tuts but a lot of the links were dead. :(
I'm not really looking for detailed instructions I'm just curious about what Daz can do and if anyone knows if you can create frame by frame animation similar to the way you can in Blender.
In the Timeline (NOT Animate2) at frame zero, select your first pose, go to frame 20 and select your second pose, DS will add a keyframe at that point. Go back to the start and scrub the timeline, it will move between the poses. You can add as many poses as you like that way, is that what you mean?
You can only create Aniblocks with the paid for version of the plugin (not the free version that comes with DS)
Frame by frame poses should work but DS does odd things if you zero the figure etc
I Find Puppeteer best for doing a series of poses as you can set and scroll between them in record or in record just click on each one at set frames.
Posing a figure should automatically create a keyframe for every bone that has changed. One thing to be aware of is that DS applied smooth interpolation by default (there are scripts to alter the interpolation mode, or the keyMate and graphMate plug0ins can be used) which means that the joint will usually move before and after the key (think of Bezier points defining a curve).
Thanks all. I didnt' realize when I was fooling around with it, I was creating the keyframe first and then posing it so it wasn't holding the pose. Duh!
I was creating a video my friend's song, and I started to make it in the Sims but I'm thinking since it's not too much different than what I already learned with Blender, I might try it in Daz. I am going to need a guitar player. Does anyone know of any free guitar poses, for any model? Aniblocks or just poses, it doesn't matter. I just want something to simulate actual guitar chords.
Skylab has some...
Adam Thwaites has some for M4 and V4...
Structure/JLK has a V4 set...
That's fantastic, thanks!!