More about Morphs - Hair and Clothing
Hi. I have been trying to create my own Morphs for V4. I've tried out different tuts on that, and have got a basic idea of how to do that. My question now is can you do the same for hair? How can you take a model from Daz and put it in Blender, adjust it and put it back in to get new morphs for the hair, in the same way that you would for V4 figures. Also how can that be done for clothing. If so is there a tut about this.
I have been searching but have not find one on this exact topic yet. I found one but it was done with ZBrush which i do not have.
Then, I tried myself to do it in exactly the same way as I did my V4 figure. I was able to get it to load into Blender from Daz, but then when loading it back into Daz it had a message that said the morph did not work. Now sure what it is I would need to do. Any help?
Morphs for anything, figures, hair and clothing, work in exactly the same way. All you are doing when creating a morph, is moving vertices to a different position, and the new position is used as a 'morph target' so that DAZ Studio knows where to move the mesh to, to create the look that you want.
What you must NOT do in any morph, is add or remove vertices, that means that a morph cannot be created by Morph Loader. Each and every vertex in the mesh has a unique number, and Morph Loader uses this to determine what vertices have moved, and to where, and it then creaates a slider to move from the original position to the new (morphed) one.
Hair is really a special case, since it is usually made of strips of polygons, and in itself, it looks nothing like hair really. Hair relies on transmaps for it's realism, although it can be morphed to a degree, in the way of moving the strips around. I have never tried morphing hair, and most hair items come with their own morphs to take the hair off the face ot to move it to the side etc. etc.
Clothing should be easy enough to morph though, particularly using Hexagon which has a bridge to and from DAZ Studio. It is often useful to correct poke through on clothing in extreme poses. If you can give some more details on what hair or clothing exactly that you are trying to morph, I am sure that we can help further.
Thanks. I am basically just learning by doing, and I am very interested in Morphing hair, as I can see it being very helpful in the future. I am using Aprilysh's Sylphiad Hair. Which is amazing and already has plenty of Morphs. But in this case I am trying to pose it under a Hood. I'll include a pic at the end. There are poke throughs in the hat, and I tried Dfomers on them and it helped but that only got me so far. Plus I would really like to have more control as a lot of times the flow of the hair is really important to me. (I'm Mucha like that. ;)
And, I did manage to finally do it. I got my hair morph to load! *happy dance* I'm not entierly sure why it wasn't loading at first so, hopefully it's no going to be a problem in the future.
But alas my happy dance is short lived. What I am hainvg trouble with now is adjusting the hair to the body.
I took my whole scene in this Render, Red, her Hood, outfit and the hair, then I deleted the hair, and exported the rest from Daz as one figure together. So that when I went into Blender I would have something to pose the hair on. Since I am trying to fit the hair specifically to the figure and hood, this was the best way I could find..Might not be the best way, but did I mention I don't know what I am doing?
Then I did the same with the hair. I took the whole scene and deleted V4,the hood, the dress but this time I kept the hair to export from Daz. Only problem is. When I delete V4, the hair changes postion. It keeps it's shape, but it turns or something. :( So when I load up everything in Blender. It does not line up correctly. :( Which then of course make it even harder to work with. The same thing happens when I export the Hood sepreately as well.
I am wondering if there is a way to export the whole scene but keep each figure separte so I can work on one without affecting the others? I know I've see a tut that does this but it was using Z brush and I don't have that.
I havne't used Hexagon before. I'm used to Blender a little, from when I created my own content for Sims 3. Is Hexagon a freebie or pay?
I don't know if there's a way to export the scene from Daz into Blender as a whole, and then get them to load into Blender as seperate objects. I tried it once but I just get one object in Blender when I tried to do that. :(
Let me know if you don't understand anything. Here's the render I want to change the hair on. I'd really like to work on the left side especially.
Blender is fine...
And the way your brought the items into Blender is probably the best way to do it. That way everything but the hair can be 'locked' and you will only be working on the hair.
Yes, you can with some scripts, but it's not really any faster. And since you need to keep the vertex order for the item you are creating the morph for, it's probably not 'best' to bring everything in at once, anyway.
Invisible items won't export, so isntead of hiding V4 turn he visibility off and te hair will not move. You will then want to use the Reverse Deformations option when bringing the hair back in, since you will be including posing and morphing in te export and you won't want to double it up.
Thanks. That worked. :) I'm able to pop it in right on the model in Blender now.
I'm not sure what you mean by "Reversing Deformations" while importing it back in as I don't see that option. Can you explain more?
You said that I would be exporting the pose and the morphing while exporting does that mean ALL of the morphs are exported or just the ones that are applied at the time that I export the figure?
When you export you get a "snapshot" of the current state, so any pose or morph applied is baked in. From your description I thought the figure was already posed, and might have some morphs - if so you don't want to keep those in the morph or it will apply the pose/morph shpae again on top of the actual posing/morphing. To fix this use Morph Loader pro, select the OBJ, then click the triangle next to the morph name in the dialogue and find Reverse Deformations in the options and turn it on. With reverse Deformatons only the modifications you have made will be in the new morph. If you are working with an unposed and unmorphed figure you don't need to do this.
Thanks, I see what you mean now. I am exporting with pose and morphs. I didn't realize the pose and other morphs would be included when I imported it back into Daz.
So that means if I took the hair out, which does have morphs already, it will export those morphs that are applied to the hair . So if I then create my own morph in Blender and import it back in Daz it will have my morphs plus the original morphs and poses.
But if I apply Reverse Deformations those original morphs and poses that came with the hair will not be imported back into Daz.... Just trying to make sure I understand correctly.
Thanks. This is good to know. ;)
That's it, yes.
I hit a road block. I keep getting a message now when loading,
"No deltas for morph skipping nodes"
It says my Morph loaded correctly but ther is no morph. It was working, so I'm not sure what happened. I tried it with a new model and same thing happened. I doubled checked everything. But I can't figure out what is going on. :(
Does anyone know what No deltas for morph skipping nodes means?
It means that there are no differences between the base shape and the morph OBJ for the node (bone group) in question. It may be worth checking that the Delta Tolerance value is small (0.001 by default) - if it's been set to a larger value even sigificant changes may be being treated as 0.
Okay I'm lost. Most of these phrases I've never heard before. lol
When you say it means that there is no difference. Do you mean it can't see the morph? I mean I have changed things, so it's just not seeing them for some reason?
I'm stil such a noob at this. How do I check the Delta Tolerance?
Delta Tolerance is one of the settings in Moprh Loader Pro. If you load the OBJ (File>Import) and have the original figure loaded too do they overlap? What settings are you using in Morph Loader?
I see it now. As for settings, I wasn't really paying attention to the detail in MLP as the tut I was using didn't sepcify anything beyond loading the Morph.
But I followed the tut step by step again, like I did the first time, this is the tut by the way,
and it worked this time. I was able to import the Morph! So I'm wondering if I somewhow missed a setting while exporting or importing to Blender.
Hopefully that was the issue.*fingers crossed* I'm going to rest and try again tomorrow just to make sure.
Thank you for your help and patience.