How can you show and Hide articles of clothing?
Hi there,
I am working on a texture set and would like to hide and show the top of an item, but I really am not sure how to go about doing that. Do I save it as a pose or a materials preset or is there some other way. I have transmapped out the top and save that as a materials setting that seems to work fine, but when I try to save the show top option it keeps loading the default materials instead of the selected materials.
If I understand what you mean, you might be able (as long as it's simply a question of adding or removing a single transmap or the opacity setting for one or more surfaces) to use the options dialogue that opens after entering the material preset's name to create a preset that does nothing but apply no map to the opacity strength, or that simply sets the Opacity Strength value to 1. Simply uncheck the root in the lower half of the dialogue, then burrow down to the surface(s) affected, expand to get the settings, and check only Opacity Strength value or map.
If there are several different opacity maps that could be used for different looks and you can't do the job by setting whole surfaces to 0 Opacity Strength (leaving the maps in place) then I'm afraid there isn't going to be a one preset restore option.
Yeah, it's just adding or removing one transmap so that sould probably work. I will give it a shot and see!
Thanks for the information!!