In Daz Studio? If the OBJ has the unchanged shape except for the head then it will be a "head" morph - a morph is just a list of changes in position for vertices, applying multiple morphs adds the changes for each vertex so if there's zero change for a vertex then the morph will have no effect on that vertex.
In Daz Studio? If the OBJ has the unchanged shape except for the head then it will be a "head" morph - a morph is just a list of changes in position for vertices, applying multiple morphs adds the changes for each vertex so if there's zero change for a vertex then the morph will have no effect on that vertex.
Hi Richard, So what you are saying is that always use the full figure obj, the vertices that are unchanged will not be loaded and bloat the file?
You don't have to answer it must be like that. Thank you.
Yes, only the non zero values (deltas is the techncial term) are stored in the morph.