Help! DS 4.5 crashed and now it won't open my saved scene [SOLVED]

barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
edited August 2012 in The Commons

Help! DS 4.5 crashed and now it crashes again every time I try to open my saved scene. Hours of work are lost unless someone can help me recover.

The original crash occurred when I was trying to move a an object that had an instance parented to it.
When I restart DS 4.5 and open my scene, it opens the small dialog box and runs through loading assets and closes the dialog box.
Then while I'm waiting for the objects to appear in the viewport, DS crashes again, before anything appears.
The log file doesn't show anything at the end that I can attribute to the crash.

I probably saved the scene with something "bad" in it, and now I can't reopen it. I unzipped the DUF file and I can see lots of formatted text in the file, but I have no idea how to interpret it. Is there a way to edit this file and remove that suspicious "instance" and maybe recover the scene?

Thanks for any advice you can provide!!!

Post edited by barbult on


  • niccipbniccipb Posts: 483
    edited December 1969

    Hi barbult...

    Well I just ran several tests with a primative sphere and it seems that it is a bug.

    If you parent an instance to the original and try to move the original, instant crash.

    If you save a .duf scene with an instance parented to the original, instant crash if you try to load the .duf scene.

    However everything works fine if you don't parent the instance.

    I edited the bad .duf scene file and it loaded fine, no crash.

    What you want to do is find this section of the .duf file located near the end of the file

    "scene" : {
      "nodes" : [
        "id" : "sphere-1",
        "url" : "#sphere",
        "name" : "sphere",
        "label" : "sphere",
        "geometries" : [
          "id" : "geometry-1",
          "url" : "#geometry",
          "name" : "shape",
          "label" : "shape"
        "preview" : {
         "oriented_box" : {
          "min" : [ -49.999, 0, -49.999 ],
          "max" : [ 50, 100, 50 ]
         "center_point" : [ 0, 0, 0 ],
         "end_point" : [ 0, 100, 0 ],
         "rotation_order" : "XYZ"
        "id" : "Node Instance 1-1",
        "url" : "#Node Instance 1",
        "name" : "Node Instance 1",
        "label" : "Node Instance 1",
        "parent" : "#sphere-1",
        "extra" : [

    and then delete the line "parent" : "#sphere-1",

    sphere was the node name for the primative I used,

    Then re-save the .duf file and it should now load in DS with the instance no longer parented to the original figure.

    Hope this helps... :)

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,872
    edited December 1969


    It worked perfectly. After editing my scene file as you described, I saved it and it opened just fine. Amazing.

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