Prevent unwanted rotation conversion and interpolation


When setting rotation y value to 180 in animate 2 's animation track, daz studio converts it -180 x and -180 z rotations.  How do I prevent this?

The goal is to render an (animated) object from four different sides.  A camera is assigned to a group (along with the lights).  The group is rotated via animation evey n frames.  The automatic conversion of y to x and z causes unwanted interpolation within the animateion.


  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,107
    edited January 2024

    I could not reproduce the issue but I would suggest:

    - Use timeline rather than animate2. Let's say just use the default 31 total frames on the timeline
    - At frame 0, assure the object is at the world center (zeroed xyz), create a Group with default settings. Parent camera and light to the Group. Select the group, three keyframes at 0 / 15 / 30, with Y Roate values: 0 / 180 / 360.
    - Make animation separately with the object as needed. Play the animated range to see if the result is what you want.

    If you wanna make the rotation smoother, add more frames and set interpolation to Linear with all keys.

    Post edited by crosswind on
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