Transferring a hand morph from Genesis 8 to Genesis 9?

I just read the other recent "Morph Loader" thread, but since my question has the potential to derail that conversation, I wanted to start a different thread.

I know how to transfer a full-body shape from Genesis 8 to Genesis 9. I know how to use the head-split deformer to transfer just a head shape. What I'm wondering now is: is there a way to transfer a Genesis 8 hand shape (from, say, HFS Ultimate Shapes for Genesis 8 Male, which I bought on sale last night) so that the morph only messes with the hands on Genesis 9?

I was going to try the same method I used to transfer Genesis 8 full-body morphs, but I figured I would ask if anyone knows of a different way that would work better?


  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,107
    edited January 2024

    I don't know what way you're gonna use... with a converter or manually ? I always convert G8 to G9 or vice versa manually with Clones or with FaceForm Wrap.

    The way of using Clone is simple. Main steps: Dial G9 Clone on G8, import G9 Base OBJ and rig it on G8 with Transfer Utility, dial an HFS Hand Morph on G8, export rigged G9 to OBJ and import it to G9 Base figure as a Morph.

    2010 x 1400 - 321K
    Post edited by crosswind on
  • Okay. I will give your steps a try. I think you've got a slightly different (and better, it looks like) method than I had been using.

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,107

    All right. Pls give it a try.

  • Well, I've got to be doing something wrong because the figure is looking like a mess before I even get to the final step. See attached.



    Screenshot (45).png
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    Screenshot (46).png
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  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,107
    edited January 2024

    Oh... I remind you of two points:
    - when rig G9 Base OBJ on G8.1M (with G9 MMX Clone dialed...) with Transfer Utility, you must use the settings in ss1
    - when importing rigged G9 OBJ (with HFS Hands...) to G9 Base figure with Morph Loader Pro, pls use the setting in ss2.

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    Post edited by crosswind on
  • Thank you! I think I stumbled my way into getting it sorted, but I'm going to save these screenshots for the next time.

  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,107

    I'm glad you've sorted it out.yes

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