Recreating A Shader In SE

While building out my shirt model in Blender, I found a nice shader in BlenderKit for a silk satin finish, which in blender looks like this:


It's got a nice sheen to it, with a subsurface effect. The actual node tree in Blender looks like this:


I'm now trying to recreate this effect in DS. I've got the tiling and multiply working, the problem is with the rest of the surface effects. Here's what it looks like in DS:


As you can see, the subsurface effect isn't coming through, nor is the sheen on the surface itself. This is what the bricks look like:


The first problem that I'm aware of, is that I just can't find a Color Ramp like the one used for the Metallicity and Roughness maps in Blender. While searching I came across an old DS forum post that has a similar brick called Gradient Picker, but for the life of me I just can't find it. I've tried a couple other bricks that could be similar, but with no luck.

I've also tried several changes to get that subsurface effect, but nothing seems to be working. The closest I can get is to plug the subsurface color into the Direct Scale input on the Base Color brick, but then I just end up with a pretty solid purple rather than that sort of iridescent finish.

Not sure what else to try doing on this.



  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,107

    I'd rather mix with Weighted base... For silky or sheen fabric, IMO you don't really need well as SSS effect, mixing Diffuse + Glossy, and Backscattering will be fine, while for sheer fabric... maybe you can add SSS.

    2560 x 1400 - 2M
  • edited January 2024

    I'm not really seeing the same effect there as what I'm getting on the Blender shader, and which I'm trying to replicate.

    Post edited by ambaryerno_f18cf8da31 on
  • crosswindcrosswind Posts: 8,107
    edited January 2024

    I was not replicating that shader in Blender. I personally won't make a sheen or satin fabric in that way with Blender. I just showed an alternative way of using different Base Mixing with Iray Uber. Anyway, it's up to your choice at the end of the day.

    Post edited by crosswind on
  • I can see some of the logic of why this shader is set up as it is. IE the color ramps reduce the number of textures required since it can tweak the Mask texture for the same purpose. I just can't find the brick for it.

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