How to modify mesh / model?
Hi all,
I'm totally new to 3D stuff an I try to figure out how things work. Any help is appreciated!
Starting from a Genesis 2 base male/female model, how do I stretch the model's legs? Stretch not scale!!! The legs should be longer not thicker. Afaik there is no morph for that.
Do i have to edit the mesh? Do the bones stretch too so the joints etc will be in the correct place afterwards and posing still works?
Can i do this in DAZ Studio or do i need to switch to an external tool?
Thanks a lot!
Select Genesis 2 Female in the Parameters pane, go to 'All' (just above Favorites and Currently Used) type in 'leg' (without the quotes) in the search box and you should find one called 'PBMLegsLength' That should work for you. I don;t think I bought any extra morph packages for G2F, so I think it comes with the Starter Essentials pack. If not, it means that there is on available anyway.
Thx Jimmy for your answer. I can't see that parameter. I only see the "Legs out" parameters... hmm
I just checked and without extra morphs there is no PBMLegsLength morph
Ok. So basically I have two options right? Buy a morph package for that model or create my own morph, correct? I'd like to do my own morph to learn how things work. How does this work? Can i do this within DAZ Studio?
Thanks and regards!
Thanks Pete for checking. I found this funnily enough and it says it has PBMLegsLength included in the Shorts, but it doesn't specify any extra morph packages are required, strange. I checked G2F Starter Essentials as well, and it doesn;t appear to be in there, so I have no idea where they came from.
The moprh is also mentioned in several other clothing items like and this so I have no idea where I got it, permanently baffled.
Just hang on for a little while till somone stops by and tells us where this morph comes from.
In the meantime, you would be better using a modelling package of some sort, like Hexagon or Blender. You change the vertices to where you want them all to go to, then you export that mesh as a Morph Target, and DAZ Studio can create a morph for you from that info. You may be able to do it inside DS using a Deformer, but it would need a lot more knowledge than I have to advise you on that.
Thx! So I have to export the mesh vom DAZ Studio so i can edit it in Blender, modify the mesh in Blender and re-import it as Morph Target in DAZ? No need to modify the bones/rigging, just the mesh? Do the bones adapt automatically when i re-import the Morph Target into DAZ (for example when the legs can stretch)?
You would export as a Wavefront OBJ, and that only has Mesh and UV information, no rigging information at all, so you can only change the mesh. You must not add or rremove vertices from the figure or it can't be used as a morph target. The rigging should automatically adapt to the new shape as far as I know, and DS will supply a morph slider for the new morph, and you can apply as much or as little of it as you require.
You will need to save the morph for future use of course, but it should save as part of the Scene file if you save that.
Aah things are getting clearer now thx very much. Just another question to better understand the correlation between morphing and animation. I saw that the Genesis 3 base model has lots of bones in the face for example to control the eyelid and eyebrows. So is closing the eyelid an animation or a morph? Or for example is opening the mouth an animation/posing thing or is it accomplished with a morph? Or what is exactly the difference between animation/posing and morphing?
I think I am right in saying that Expression morphs used to always be done by manipulating vertices (morphs) to get the desired result. Genesis 3, as you have noticed, has a lot more bones in the Face, and the expressions are mostly accomplished by moving them about, rather than morphs which move the vertices in the mesh itself.
All of the Genesis figures are different in their own way. The original Genesis model could be Male or Female, Adult or Child (or even animal like the Gorilla), but Genesis 2 went back to sepeerate Male and Female base models. Genesis 3 has the new 'dual quaternion' rigging which I know very little about I'm afraid, but there is probably something on the forums about it somewhere.
There is a great deal for us all to learn, so you are not on your own. Hope that helps a bit anyway.
That helped much thanks!