Solutions for Daz 4.8 errors and Issues

Daz has a lot of potential but it has not proven to be reliable and it may compromise my business. All the other programs I employ allow for a smooth workflow, ever since I started working with Daz, it has rendered my workflow inefficient and inconsistent. 

1st Issue: Whenever I open a recent project, the skin/surfaces are missing, corrupt, fragmented. 

2nd Issue: I am trying to export an FBX and I'm getting an error message: (Error occurred while exporting file. See the log file for details.
Error exporting file: C Exception: Memory Access Violation - Attempted to write memory at address 0x00000000)

Additional Question: Is Daz 4.0 compatible with all Genesis models and current content? Because I'm considering one of 2 things, Roll back to 4.0 from 4.8 pro, or uninstall Daz completely and use another program. 

Solution Attempts: I tried re-importing meta deta, updating/refreshing content library, refreshing content directory manager ect. These troubleshooting methods provide temporary fixes. When I open recent projects I run into the same issues I stated above.  

Image for Issue #1: 


  • This is There was an issue with textures soemtimes misapplying, but that was a whilea go (before 4.7 as I recall). Which figures are they - legacy Poser figures or native Daz Studio?

  • a-visiona-vision Posts: 4
    edited December 2015
    I have the latest version Of Daz Studio available on the website. The models are Monique 6 And Darius 6- Genesis 2
    Post edited by a-vision on
  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    Machine specs...especially memory amount and OS.



  • I run intense after effects sessions with multiple windows open. Why wouldnt daz run optimally by itself?
  • After Effects doesn't really strain your machine all that much, compared to 3D rendering, all you really need is lots of memory and lots of HD space. Any 3D program (not just DAZ|Studio) will run your entire machine right to the ragged edge — rendering is probably one of the most intensive workouts your computer will ever go through. Your memory, hard drive, and CPU/graphics card will all be going at full throttle, and might be doing that for several hours (or even longer) non-stop. Weird glitches like this can be a sign that part of your system is creaking a bit under the strain, so it's important to know the system specs.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001

    Here's a prime example of what can go wrong...

    I have 1 memory stick out of a pair that will not run at full speed.  If I force it, in BIOS to run at full speed, I only get half the memory installed.  If I leave the BIOS on 'auto', I get many crashes when rendering in Studio (but not dumping to RIB and using the stand alone 3Delight...or in Luxrender).  If I set the BIOS to run at the lower speed, forcing both sticks to run at the lower speed, everything is fine...and yes, the memory is being replaced under warranty.

    Technically the memory 'works' and Memtest showed NO errors, except it won't run at full speed.  But it is broken enough that Corsair is replacing it.

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