I think Cris may be right, but you could also check under the General tab in Render Settings, Filter > Pixel Filter, and make sure that it is set to 'Box' and not one of the other options, that can cause unwanted blur.
I think Cris may be right, but you could also check under the General tab in Render Settings, Filter > Pixel Filter, and make sure that it is set to 'Box' and not one of the other options, that can cause unwanted blur.
Ok Thanks JimmyC I will go back in and check the settings
Do you have depth of field on in the camera settings?
no I didn't Have Depth Of Feild on the camera settings I do not mess with cam setting much only to turn off the headlamp, but thanks for responding Cris
Do you have depth of field on in the camera settings?
I think Cris may be right, but you could also check under the General tab in Render Settings, Filter > Pixel Filter, and make sure that it is set to 'Box' and not one of the other options, that can cause unwanted blur.
Ok Thanks JimmyC I will go back in and check the settings
no I didn't Have Depth Of Feild on the camera settings I do not mess with cam setting much only to turn off the headlamp, but thanks for responding Cris